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I Need You (As The Deer) Nicole C. Mullen这首歌的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 20:55



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 11:29

I Need You (As The Deer) :

[Verse 1:]
As the deer that pants for the water brook so my heart does long for you
As the eagle flies for the open skies so my heart does soar for you

I will praise your name forever,
I will proclaim that you are God
I will be satisfied completely,
Cause I will worship you alone,
You alone [x2]

[Verse 2:]
As the desert sand longs for rain again, so my hearts does longs for you
As the darkest night yields to morning light, so my heart does yield to you

I will praise your name forever,
I will proclaim that you are God
I will be satisfied completely,
Cause I will worship you alone,
You alone [x2]

Cause I need you, I need you
More than air that I breathe
I need you, I need you
More than food, more than drink
I need you, I need you
More than flowers need rain
I need you, I need you
More than I can explain
I need you [x4]

[Verse 1]

[Chorus x2]

I need you, I need you
As the deer that pants for the water brook so my heart does long for you
[Verse 1:]
As the deer that pants for the water brook so my heart does long for you
As the eagle flies for the open skies so my heart does soar for you

I will praise your name forever,
I will proclaim that you are God
I will be satisfied completely,
Cause I will worship you alone,
You alone [x2]

[Verse 2:]
As the desert sand longs for rain again, so my hearts does longs for you
As the darkest night yields to morning light, so my heart does yield to you

I will praise your name forever,
I will proclaim that you are God
I will be satisfied completely,
Cause I will worship you alone,
You alone [x2]

Cause I need you, I need you
More than air that I breathe
I need you, I need you
More than food, more than drink
I need you, I need you
More than flowers need rain
I need you, I need you
More than I can explain
I need you [x4]

[Verse 1]

[Chorus x2]

I need you, I need you
As the deer that pants for the water brook so my heart does long for you追问嗯,我找到的也是这个~不过也谢谢你

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