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发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-01 05:51



热心网友 时间:2022-03-01 07:20

1、First Aid,是USMLE考试的圣经,人手一本。

2、Kaplan notes (Anatomy, Behavioral Science, Biochemistry, MicroBiolog/ Immunology, Pharmacology, Pathology,Physiology),一共七本,附送一本qbook,850个问题。一般都是在ebay上买used books;



5、Robbins Pathology 1100个问题。有彩色插图,讲解也很精彩。题目几乎覆盖了pathology所有的方面,还联系到了生化,遗传,微生物等。在step1中,pathology的重要性非常突出,所以这本书对于提高成绩,全面知识,起到了很好的作用。

6、Webpath step1非常注重考察对于图片的诊断能力,所以光看kaplan notes在这方面是有欠缺的webpath是一个网站专门提供各种病理切片,包括一些正常解剖图片和微生物图片。

7、BRS pathology:Yes,pathology again!病理是step 1的兵家重地,怎么样学习都不过分。kaplan的病理条理清晰,便于记忆,但是展开得不够,所以可以用比较罗索细节的BRS做一下补充。

8、Appleton@Lange’s Review 1200个问题。

9、Board simulator Srrieson CD-ROM和NMS770个问题。

10、High YIELD

11、对于step 3,推荐Master the Board,FA,Swanson Family Medicine等。

热心网友 时间:2022-03-01 08:38

《BRS Pathology; 5/e International Edition》BRS病理学,国际版


简介:This revised fifth edition is an excellent pathology review for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and course examinations. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format; this text covers general and basic pathology; major

concepts of disease processes; and systemic pathology that surveys the principal disorders of each organ system through concise descriptions and full-color illustrations. USMLE-style questions at the end of each chapter emphasize board-relevant

information and allow for self-testing to confirm strengths and uncover areas of weakness. Plus; the comprehensive exam at the end of the book is a great prep tool for the actual exam!
《Pediatrics for Medical Students》儿科学教程


简介:Endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics; this text is designed for third-year medical students in their pediatric clerkships or studying for pediatric shelf exams.The book is divided into two sections. Section One focuses on the

general practice of pediatrics; including normal preventive visits.Section Two offers more traditional systems-oriented chapters that focus on a systematic approach to developing a differential diagnosis. This text is a nice hybrid -- part pediatrics

textbook; part review guide for shelf exams or board preparation. A new arsenal of ancillary materials; including full text online; student testbank; and image bank accompanies the book. NEW Includes authoritative content fully endorsed by the

prestigious American Academy of Pediatrics; AAP's thorough review of the text ensures compliance with the latest in policies and treatment guidelinesNEW Links students and instructors to additional resources via thePoint; including the full text

online; image bank; student test bank (also available in a convenient mobile format) with 200 USMLE-style clinical vignette questions; and access to the AAP's Bright Futures website for superior coverage of children's healthcare in the context of

family and community needsNEW Features a full-color interior design to better highlight the visual elements of teaching and learning pediatrics Organized around those aspects essential to the pediatrics rotation; each chapter covers clinical and lab

evaluation; pathophysiology; differential diagnosis; patient management; and Pediatric Pearls to help students make immediate clinical connections

《 In A Page Pediatrics》儿科学


Featuring a uniquely visual two-page-spread design that is great for rapid reference or review; In a Page Pediatrics; Second Edition provides a quick overview of the diseases; symptoms; and injuries most commonly seen in children. Each disease is

presented on a two-page spread in boxes with consistent headings: introction; etiology; epidemiology; and risk factors; patient presentation; differential diagnosis; diagnostic evaluation; treatment and management; and prognosis and

complications. Bulleted key points appear under each heading. This edition features expanded differential diagnosis sections; an appendix of common symptoms and differential diagnosis; and more coverage of pharmacologic treatment.This

pocket-sized book is ideal for interns; medical students in clerkships; or USMLE review. It will also appeal to physician assistant and nurse practitioner students.

《Radiology 101》放射学101


With over 35;000 copies of the first 4 editions sold; Radiology 101 introces diagnostic imaging to non-radiologists; medical students; indivials on a radiology rotation; as well as PA and nursing students. As in previous editions; there is

coverage of normal anatomy; commonly encountered diseases and their radiological manifestations with up to date clinical content relevant to those studying for the USMLE. Each chapter includes an outline; highlighted important information and

an end of chapter Question and Answer section. Throughout the book; emphasis is placed on what exam to order with extensive referencing to the ACR Appropriateness Criteria© which will assume new importance as the basis for evidence based

clinical decision support when ordering imaging in the near future. •Gives non-specialists the fundamentals and confidence to consult with a radiologist and thus provide a more accurate diagnosis.•Each chapter begins with an outline and ends

with a Q&A section; further highlighting need-to-know areas.•One quarter of the contributors are new for this edition; bringing a fresh perspective and new insights and thought leaders•Features tables for symptoms; causes; and differential

diagnosis of common diseases and disorders.•More than 1;000 images; including clearly labeled images of normal anatomy from a variety of angles on radiographs; computer tomography; MRI; and ultrasonography.Enrich Your eBook Reading

Experience with Enhanced Video; Audio; and Interactive Capabilities!•Read directly on your preferred device(s); such as computer; tablet; or smartphone.•Easily convert to audiobook; powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

《In A Page Signs & Symptoms》体征症状


Featuring a uniquely visual two-page-spread design that is great for rapid reference or review; In a Page Signs & Symptoms; Second Edition provides a quick overview of the 100 disorders and medical issues most commonly encountered on the

wards or in the clinic. Each problem is presented on a two-page spread in boxes with consistent headings including introction; etiology; pathophysiology and risk factors; patient presentation; differential diagnosis; diagnostic evaluation;

treatment and management; and prognosis and complications. Bulleted key points appear under each heading. This edition is reorganized by organ system and features expanded differential diagnosis and treatment sections.This pocket-sized book

is ideal for interns; medical students in clerkships; or USMLE review. It will also appeal to physician assistant and nurse practitioner students.

《Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology》蓝图妇产科学

Wolters Kluwers is dedicated to providing quality content. This is a reprint of the Seventh Edition; corrected to address typographical errors identified by reviewers. Clinical high-yield content covers what you need to know for the USMLE; shelf

exam; and your Obstetrics & Gynecology rotation! This best-selling Blueprints title is an ideal resource for the obstetrics and gynecology rotation and board preparation. This is the perfect companion for quick study breaks ring rotation

downtime; with concise chapters that appeal to students who want a review of key concepts; research; and therapies in today\u2019s practice. Blueprints are also utilized by students in physician assistant; nurse practitioner; and osteopathic

programs; as well as residents preparing for USMLE Step 3. Features include: Expanded coverage of topics; evidence-based research; therapies; and the latest changes in the management of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer screening;

abnormal uterine bleeding; hypertension in pregnancy; cervical insufficiency; prenatal diagnosis; and preterm labor. Updates on the latest techniques in contraception; sterilization; and hormone replacement; as well as current treatment options

for uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Updated tables and figures that improve student\u2019s assimilation and retention of information. Case-based clinical vignette questions at the end of each chapter help you review the material and prepare

for exams. New and updated board-style questions; with full explanations of both correct and incorrect options; increase understanding.

《Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology》Step-Up妇产科学

Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology is an effective high-yield review of obstetrics and gynecology. Written in partnership with The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women's Health Care and developed specifically for medical; physician assistant;

and nurse practitioner students in their obstetrics and gynecology clerkship/rotation; Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology packs clinical pearls; illustrations; and \u201cQuick Hits\u201d in a single; ingenious tool; tailoring each element for

immediate content absorption and faster; more efficient review. This review book gives you exactly what you need to prepare for your clerkship; accompanying shelf exams; and the USMLE Step 2!Features in this book include:• Full-color

figures illustrate concepts when a picture says it best.• Complete coverage of key topics ensures that you are test-ready and prepared on the wards.• Dynamic interior design brings the content to you in a memorable style.• Quick

Hits in the margins highlight highly testable topics.• Clinical Pearls help you \u201cfile away\u201d clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time.• Bold terms highlight key terminology for added emphasis!
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