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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 20:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 23:26

my neck my back - khia

歌手:khia 专辑:booom 2003 the first

all you ladies pop that thing like this
shake your body, don't stop, don't quit
all you ladies pop that thing like this
shake your body, don't stop, don't quit
just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
do it good
lick this, just like you should
right now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that

first you gotta put your neck into it
ah, don't stop, just do it, do it
then you roll your tongue,
from the back up to the front
then ya get it off, keep me up on ya
make sure i keep my eyes on ya
all over the club and stuff
real player show me so much love
the best love comes slow and long
knows how to stay down on ya
all night 'till the crack of dawn
real good, keep it comin' strong
through the night, making so much love
in dead sleep when the sun comes up
so, lick it now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
right now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
you might roll tch, you might have g's
but so what player, get on your knees
a girl like me moans and screams
thug misses know what i mean
at the club so fresh, so clean
girls hatin' fellas watchin' me
standin' out in the line, so clean
with a unit on my face, so mean
i gotta pick which fella i need
to take me out, spend his money on me
try me i'll make you see
no other girl got nothin' me
so, lick it now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
right now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
so, lick it now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
right now, lick it good
lick this just like you should
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that
my neck, my back
lick my ... just like that



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 23:26

do it well

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 23:27

my neck my back - khia
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