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用英文讲一个关于迷信的小故事 急

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 14:33



热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 21:28

After five o 'clock of the Forbidden City
The Forbidden City as a tourist attraction, with tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists every day.
But not everyone will know there is a another kind of content in the purple city...
Used on the palace guard, according to the man can hear someone playing in every night,
And sometimes can see maid-in-waiting eunuch line through. The somebody else's child body is bad, the old man say it's because that person be Yin qi is big,
Affect the next generation!
Not only in this way, we have noticed that there are many courtyard in the Forbidden City is blocked up! It is not open to visitors
Actually happened every slot with science cannot explain the phenomenon, haven't seal before liberation, many people died in these places! Not disappearing life is death, but is always fantastic to did not find the reason, but there is one thing in common: if also can see the body, after death then bodies are no face. More cautious man is a well, ping yue in the daytime to look down, bottom hole is some stones and weeds or something, but at night after 12 o 'clock to look down, as long as the have a moon in the sky, you will see the bottom hole is not a stone, weeds, reflected instead of water, the water is not your face...
, of course, also have scientific researchers explain: the palace can see maid-in-waiting have scientific basis, because of the palace is red, contain ferroferric oxide, concts electricity and lightning may come down, if you happen to have a palace maid, so wall is equivalent to the function of the videos at this time, if again after lightning accident, may be like a video showing the record by the shadow of the palace. Anyway, think of the Forbidden City in the narrow corridor, long wall full of weeds, if a person walks in the evening, suddenly see the imperial palace eunuch coming to you, even if no scientific basis, I also will frighten broke bravery drops

其实每一个府第都发生过用科学无法解释的现象,解放前还没有封的时候,在这些地方死了很多人!不是无故消失就是命亡,但始终是离奇得查不出原因,不过有一个共同点:死后如果还能见着尸体,那么尸体都没有脸皮。更慎人的就是一口井,平曰白天的时候往下看,井底就是一些石头,杂草什么的,但每到晚上 12点后往下看, 只要天上有月亮,你会看到井底出现的不是石头,杂草,而是水,水上倒映的却不是你的面孔……

热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 21:28

Red clothes

It was a foreign language schools in the women's dormitory, there are a number of times at night often have a red woman's clothes to sell door-to-door late at night, do not know how she was downstairs escaped inspection.Every day, all night, a knock-room, if someone opened the door and asked; 'red clothes do not want to /' As the girls were very angry after the quarrel, are not big cried, a few days this night. One night, That woman came again. Thunk! Thunk! When the door opened from the inside out one of the girls she roared; "what the red dress? I want the whole. How much does it cost?"
Woman smiled, turned away and did not give her a red dress, and that night we all slept well, no one has come knocking at the door. The next day, the dormitories were all up, only that the women's big red red The roar of girls not to get up, her students opened her quilt, she is all red, her skin of the upper part of the body has been ripping up. Huang who have blood flow, looks like a dress Red pieces of clothing.

Superstition迷信。Julie是英国人,Pete是美国人,原来,西方人也迷信。 S: Wow...I always thought Westerners considered superstitions old-fashioned. My family isChinese; almost all of us are very superstitious. J: Well, I think the superstitions might be different, but pretty much every country in th...

用英文讲一个关于迷信的小故事 急

Used on the palace guard, according to the man can hear someone playing in every night,And sometimes can see maid-in-waiting eunuch line through. The somebody else's child body is bad, the old man say it's because that person be Yin qi is big,Affect the next generation!Not...


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周天很阳光地笑起来:“没想到,你的小脑瓜还这么迷信。昨天,我也上网查了些相关的资料,我看到了这样一个故事———有几个人登山,在山腰捡到了一个旅行包,里面装满了美金———我们到底该相信哪一个?” 第二天,谭丽跟那几个男生一起上山了。 天空湛蓝,雪山刺眼,空气清澈,鸟绝人灭。 大家的兴致好极了。


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...宿管部的新生嘛,要去查宿舍,就要去查房签字嘛,有些宿舍的人就会说... 现在我住厂宿舍,宿管每天都要来查房,有时候甚至在睡觉的时候来,使 王燕小简介 宁夏医科大学基础医学院系部介绍 蜂蜜霉了可以直接涂在皮肤上吗 我买了一大瓶蜂蜜柚子茶但是放太久起霉了,很舍不得丢掉,它还有什么用... 昨天在家发现有很多蜂蜜生霉了~丢了又舍不得~可以做面膜吗?~~还有什么... 中山大学中山眼科中心预约就诊 中山大学中山眼科中心海南眼科医院基本资料 护理文职有什么岗位 英语口语考试 对的迷信看法 怎么说 对迷信的看法 发生在身边的迷信事件用英文写出来,不用太长100~200字即可 关于美国迷信的一篇英语作文 求一篇关于中国迷信的英语作文,最好中英对照 英语作文迷信 急求校园反对迷信的英文作文(150词左右) 关于迷信的英文演讲 关于迷信的高中英语作文 求写一篇关于迷信的英语作文 越南注册方法 中国微信怎么加越南微信好友 轿车轮胎P255/60R19什么牌子的车用? 255、60R19轮胎哪里卖 255/60 R19和265/70 R16 轮胎防滑链能否通用 急急急 255/60R19是什么车的陪套胎 昂科雷轮胎原厂轮胎固特异255/60R19可以换为235/65R19吗?昂科雷的轮毂数据是19*7.5J。 怎么注册越南? 255 60r19轮胎可以用255 50r19的么 255/60r19用于什么车 说说你对迷信有什么看法? 大家对迷信的看法 你认为自己的家乡有什么迷信活动吗。英语作文 对迷信科学的认识态度 我是专科医学生,能考公务员进去县里*系统吗。现在在实习期,能考公务员吗? 医学类专科可以考公务员,,吗? 专科医学生能报考公务员吗?? 不懂.... 贵州大专医学生考公务员相关疑问·望解答。 我是一名大专 医学生 能考哪方面 公务员 2010年大专毕业生能考公务员吗?医学类安庆 被鱼刺卡到喉咙会导致成咽喉炎? 两天前鱼刺卡住喉咙引起喉咙发炎,做胃镜检查喉咙未见鱼刺,但有红肿,吃消炎药3天未见有好转,怎么回事啊 最近总是喉咙发炎,会不会是半年前鱼刺卡在喉咙引起的 鱼刺卡在喉咙过了一天喉咙发热是发炎了吗,有时咽炎会痛有时不会痛这样的情况鱼刺是吞下去了还是没吞下去 用户名是什么,密码是指什么? 中国移动卡在香港怎样上网 青木瓜猪脚汤的介绍 青木瓜猪脚汤的原料 青木瓜炖猪蹄汤是苦的 请教木瓜的减肥丰胸吃法