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Taylor Swift的《SuperStar》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 17:50



热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 03:27

歌手:Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift - SuperStar
This is wrong
But I can't help but feel like
There aint nothin' more right babe
Misty morning comes again and I can't
Help but wish I could see your face
And I knew from the first note played,
I'd be breaking all my rules to see you
You smile that beautiful smile
And all the girls in the front row
Scream your name
So dim that spotlight,
Tell me things like I can't take my eyes
Off of you I'm no one special,
Just another wide eyed girl
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall
Morning loneliness comes around when I'm not
Dreaming about you
When my world wakes up today
You'll be in another town
And I knew when I saw your face I'd be
Counting down the ways to see you
And you smile that beautiful smile
And all the girls in the front
Row scream your name
So dim that spotlight,
Tell me things like I can't take my eyes
Off of you I'm no one special,
Just another wide eyed girl
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall
You played in bars, you play guitar
And I'm invisible and everyone knows who you are
And you'll never see you sing me to sleep
Every night on the radio
So dim that spotlight,
Tell me things like I can't take my eyes
Off of you I'm no one special,
Just another wide eyed girl
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall
Sweet, sweet superstar superstar.

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