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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 15:09



热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 04:00

"Streamline" the history of the other property is, that is a historical process, more precisely, from simple to complex human beings, from ignorance to mature. Think about why have a complex hieroglyphics, will simplify the step by step into a modern simplified text? Why did those ancient times as a realistic design with birds and animals, fish, snakes, etc., from the Neolithic onwards, will step by step into the abstract geometric patterns? This to simplify the complex, from realism to impressionism, from the concrete to the abstract of the process, not just with the "unconscious" or "the externalization of inner emotions," will be able to explain, she says. Simplify the process, in fact, reverse the process contains two phases: Images from the outside, it is from the complicated to the simple, from imitation to reproce the abstract; and from the contained and symbolic sense, it is simple to the complex . Or that the information is conveyed from the simple to the complex ideas of feelings, from naive to mature. Form in accordance with the principles of the content of the decision to simplify the process of a historical fact, or that human beings by the simple to complex, from feeling to thinking, from ignorance to the process of civilization.
In modernist art, the material manifestation of the absolute total immature, which makes the metaphor of art meaning and spiritual are blurred. In modern art, the image of the material is clearly weakening, and this requires drawing the spiritual eyes closed prominent. Mondrian, said: "Modern art paintings are increasingly aware of what needs planarity, in short, it does not become our ordinary understanding of the decorative arts. Oh, word order works of the past, such as the Byzantine mosaic mural, the ancient Chinese art, They are flat, but they are not the kind of sense of decorative painting. charm of these works is their great spirit of performance. we can observe around us in a realistic style, realistic body mass and physical presence , but this can only lead us to something from the material sense. "So said Bell, the real art of" significant form ", through" simplified "means to get. "There is no simplified, art can not exist, because only through simplification, can we have no means meant something a lot of things from the drawn out."
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