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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-09 18:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 18:30

(1) What's obvious is that some of the students have cheated in the examination.
=It is obvious that some of the students have cheated in the exam.

(2) Seeing this photo, I can't resist thinking of my childhood.
= I can't resist thinking of my childhood at the sight of this photo.

(3) He was doing his housework when the telephone rang .

(4) Tom was so absorbed in the book that he didn't notice the teacher come in.


(2) Seeing this photo, I can't resist thinking of my childhood.= I can't resist thinking of my childhood at the sight of this photo.(3) He was doing his housework when the telephone rang .(4) Tom was so absorbed in the book that he didn't notice the teacher come in...


1.roll down 滚下 2.gear to modernization 适应现代化 3.caused by coal-burning 由于煤炭使用引起的 4.new foreign minister 新上任的外交部长 5.at a new conference 在会上 6.westerwelle answered 7.take in sunlight 吸收阳光 8.give off 排出 9.upturn the apple cart ...


1. Everyone was late because of variety reasons for that party.2. Do you have any other alternatives?3. There are six more applicants in addition to the names on the list.4. Who comes to claim this wrist-watch which I saw just now?5. He established himself as one of the...

高二英语 句子翻译 中译英

1.The results show that 60% of the students interviewed were once played trick on on the April Fool's Day. (interviewed 不能做前置定语 只能后置,谢谢)2.One of the reasons why the global temperature keeps rising is that more and more green house gas is released into the ...


4. Different countries embrace different culture 5. Same gesture means different in different countries


No matter how busy you are,you ought to see them off in the airport.I bought two pieces of rubber in case one of them would be lost.You may refer to your notes when encounter troubles.You hold the freedom to select any courses you like in our college.In this aspect,your ...

高二英语翻译句子 急急急急急

is interesing. It is worth watching again.2 She must have made many mstakes in the exam.3 Their discussion turned into a terrible quarrel.4 He was attracted by the music, and couldn't help singsing wihe the music.5 I am determined to cheer up and improve my English....


We'll greatly appreciate it that if you could take us to some famous attractions in Beijing.


Starting my Senior High journey, I was greeted with a stunning scene on my very first day. Stepping through the school gates, I was captivated by the verdant landscape, resembling a sprawling garden brimming with life, thanks to the lush green trees and an array of colorful ...


1.在求职面试中她流利的英语给主考官留下了深刻的印象。(impress)Her fluent English left a deep impression on the interviewer in her job interview.2.只有患过重病的人才真正明白健康对于一个人意味着什么。(be aware of)Only those who have been seriously ill can be aware of what ...

高二英语选修6课文翻译 高中英语翻译 高中英语课文翻译 高中英语必修五原文及翻译 英语选修6第一单元课文翻译 高二英语 高二英语必修六单词 英语选修6课文及翻译 高二英语必修四单词表
采茶机一芽机器 结合实际谈谈认真学习党章,自觉遵守党章,切实贯彻党章和维护党章... 中行三方存管是什么意思 长大电视剧中白晓菁的衣服是什么牌子? 关于声音的传播速度,下列说法中正确的是( )A.与声源的频率有关B.与声... 跑男第一季这件衣服是什么牌子 TBL的搭配问题 属猴2015年财运,每个月赌博运气怎么样 属猴今天在赌博有财运吗 另一台电脑上共享文件和打印机在我的网上邻居和工作组上都不见了~之 ... 小米6和苹果6splus该用哪个 如何diy花箱 假如一个男生与你第一次见面就提出那种要求,那他是真心爱你么? ...一天就要求跟我发生关系,请问这样的人值得交往吗? 男人会喜欢一个第一次见面就和他上床的女人吗? 么么们用什么手机呀,我想换手机 想换手机,爱疯6和6plus,哪个比较好? 沼液如何在苹果树上叶面追肥 苹果6s plus玩游戏比较好,还是小米六玩游戏比较好。 苹果树发芽后流酸辛能打多少倍为合适、苹果树发芽后打百分之零点五的... ...还打电话给你,你会怎么办???谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 如何看待男人一见到就想要那个? ...波干扰的杂音,免提就没有杂音了,怎么回事啊?请大神帮忙 《正义联盟》超英档案全揭秘 全世界影迷翘首以待 ​夫妻分别租房可以分别享受专项扣除吗 感冒流鼻涕嗓子痛又有点怕冷。请问是什么感 如果男人总是见你就上,说明他是真的吗 男人见到你就会想上,是真爱我吗? ...韩国化妆品,全韩文,网上对照半天也没有对出来。请帮忙翻译一下... 求懂韩文的翻译下,朋友从韩国带来的化妆品不知道哪个是哪个,没法用,跪 ... 短跑中有哪几块肌肉比较重要,如何练习这些肌肉,让它们充满爆发力?求... 蝴蝶犬能长多大多重 蝴蝶犬多大成年? 蝴蝶犬公犬能长多大 多少钱一只 公司老板不讲信用 求半条命2第一章第二章中文语音补丁 求半条命2第二章中文语音补丁!~ 跪求半条命2第二章,中文语言补丁,是第二章的,另有第二章完美版的也可 ... 半条命2第二章语言汉化包,不要说没有,我看过很多次,是有的!高手帮帮忙... Clubhouse社交软件为什么这么火 Clubhouse软件有什么功能优势... 戊戌变法的背景是什么 恋舞ol现在支持同性恋了吗?我的两个好友(都是男的)他们貌似结婚了哎 在恋舞OL里面结婚戒指戴上去怎么取下来 长康食醋如何存放会更美味? 烧肉时放点长康凉拌醋,烂的更快? ...初审通过了,让我戴身份证去柜台面签,据说中信可以当天下卡是么?是... 400米跑怎样才跑得最快? 报表软件哪个更好 喀山世界游泳锦标赛孙洋为何缺席1500米决赛 一女子感染新冠高烧后满脸发黑,发烧为何会引起脸发黑的现象呢?