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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-09 17:11



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 01:05

With China's socialist market economy and the continuous development of gradually improve, and inter-enterprise competition has become increasingly fierce. The competition is a competition, as a knowledge of the major carriers and enterprises the main, means that human resources are the most important resources of a component. However, as human resources management in enterprise management status and an increasingly greater role and Many related issues so prominent, such as : human resources management and development company of strategic management; Human resources management include the following : task analysis, performance evaluation, salary management, staff development, Enterprise culture in the course of the actual operation, "the implementation of the difficult" how to solve the problem; enterprises in the recruitment process, is willing to Jiangtaigong Anglers who catch it, or to take the initiative to market themselves convince talents to join, and so on. These issues will undoubtedly right for the development of enterprises is very important. In this paper, human resources management theory and the theory of marketing integration, combining the management of human resources issues, Analysis of China's enterprises in the implementation of human resources for the need for marketing and market positioning and market segmentation. human resources "4P" human resources strategy and marketing for the concrete implementation of the three aspects of human resources in the future China Marketing trends in the development of a more in-depth analysis.
Key words : human resources management, marketing, human resources Marketing

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 01:03

And gradually consummates along with the our country socialist market economy unceasing development, enterprise's competition is day by day intense. Enterprise's competition is talented person's competition, the person took the knowledge the important carrier and the enterprise behavior main body, meant the human resources are in the enterprise resources a most important constituent.
However, strengthens day by day along with the human resources management in the business management status and the function, many correlations questions therefore 凸显, for example: Human resources management and corporate growth strategy management relations; The human resources management contains content: The work analysis, the achievements inspection, the salary management, do the staff develop, how the enterprise culture and so on "falls truly difficult" in the middle of the actual operation process the question solves; The enterprise in the talented person employment advertise process, is Jiang Taigong fishes on the hoping hook, or is positive sells on own initiative oneself, convinces outstanding talented person alliance and so on. These questions without doubt to enterprise's development count for much.
This article the human resources management theory and the market marketing theory fusion, unifies our country human resources management existence the question, analyzed has implemented the human resources marketing in our country enterprise the necessity, and will subdivide, the human resources from the market localization and the market "4P" the strategy and the human resources marketing specifically implements three aspects to carry on to the human resources marketing in the Chinese next development tendency thoroughly has analyzed.

Key word: Human resources management, market marketing, human resources marketing

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 01:02

With China's socialist market economy and the continuous development of gradually improve, and inter-enterprise competition has become increasingly fierce. The competition is a competition, as a knowledge of the major carriers and enterprises the main, means that human resources are the most important resources of a component. However, as human resources management in enterprise management status and an increasingly greater role and Many related issues so prominent, such as : human resources management and development company of strategic management; Human resources management include the following : task analysis, performance evaluation, salary management, staff development, Enterprise culture in the course of the actual operation, "the implementation of the difficult" how to solve the problem; enterprises in the recruitment process, is willing to Jiangtaigong Anglers who catch it, or to take the initiative to market themselves convince talents to join, and so on. These issues will undoubtedly right for the development of enterprises is very important. In this paper, human resources management theory and the theory of marketing integration, combining the management of human resources issues, Analysis of China's enterprises in the implementation of human resources for the need for marketing and market positioning and market segmentation. human resources "4P" human resources strategy and marketing for the concrete implementation of the three aspects of human resources in the future China Marketing trends in the development of a more in-depth analysis.
Key words : human resources management, marketing, human resources Marketing

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 01:08

And gradually consummates along with the our country socialist market economy unceasing development, enterprise's competition is day by day intense. Enterprise's competition is talented person's competition, the person took the knowledge the important carrier and the enterprise behavior main body, meant the human resources are in the enterprise resources a most important constituent.
However, strengthens day by day along with the human resources management in the business management status and the function, many correlations questions therefore 凸显, for example: Human resources management and corporate growth strategy management relations; The human resources management contains content: The work analysis, the achievements inspection, the salary management, do the staff develop, how the enterprise culture and so on "falls truly difficult" in the middle of the actual operation process the question solves; The enterprise in the talented person employment advertise process, is Jiang Taigong fishes on the hoping hook, or is positive sells on own initiative oneself, convinces outstanding talented person alliance and so on. These questions without doubt to enterprise's development count for much.
This article the human resources management theory and the market marketing theory fusion, unifies our country human resources management existence the question, analyzed has implemented the human resources marketing in our country enterprise the necessity, and will subdivide, the human resources from the market localization and the market "4P" the strategy and the human resources marketing specifically implements three aspects to carry on to the human resources marketing in the Chinese next development tendency thoroughly has analyzed.

Key word: Human resources management, market marketing, human resources marketing
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