发布时间:2024-10-04 21:05
时间:2024-10-22 00:02
1、 正确的职业规划 A sound career plan
2、 正确的就业观 A reasonable attitude for employment
3、 抄袭与诚信的问题 The issue of plagiarism and integrity
4、 乱收费的现象 The phenomenon of arbitrary and unreasonable charges
5、 良好的心理素质 A robust psychological quality
6、 正确的人生观 Correct views on life
7、 见义勇为 To stand up bravely for what is right
8、 正确认识自我 A proper self-recognition
9、 适时放弃 Timely giving up
10、 身心健康 physical and mental health
11、 正确地选择自己的人生方向 A correct choice for one's future
12、 相互推卸责任 Shirking responsibilities between each other (如果是三人或更多要用shirking responsibilities among each other)
13、 脚踏实地 Down to earth
14、 整容 Plastic surgery
15、 正确的一小步等于成功的一大步 A correct small step means a giant step towards success来自:求助得到的回答
时间:2024-10-22 00:02
时间:2024-10-22 00:03
1. reasonable career plan 2.right value of employment 3. cheat and honesty 4. phenomena
of unreasonable charge 5. excellent psychological quality 6. correct views on life 7. to do a
heroic action 8. correct self-recognition 9. timely give-up 10. be healthy physically and
mentally 11. choose the right direction for one's future 12. lie one's responsibility to each other
13. down to earth 14. plastic surgery 15. a wise step means a big stride