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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 06:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:17

农民 Peasant
准备工作! Ready to work!
陛下? Yes milord?
干什么? What is it?
什么? What?
还要干活? More work?
好。 Right-o.
行。 All right.
马上就去。 Off I go then.
你是国王?可我没投你的票。 You're the king? Well, I didn't vote for you.
我们找到了一个女巫!我们应该烧死她吗? We found a witch! May we burn her?
救救我!我被*了! Help, help! I'm being repressed!
一匹马踢了我,真疼。 A horse kicked me once. It hurt.
咚! Doh!
没其他人闲着吗? Noe one else available?
好,我死定了。 That's it! I'm dead.
如果你想要的话。 If you want.

步兵 Footman
准备行动! Ready for action!
遵命! Yes my liege!
命令? Orders?
下令吧! Say the word!
是,陛下! Aye milord!
正在行动! On my way!
当然。 Of course.
你需要什么? What do you need?
不要问,不要说。 Don't ask, don't tell.
拿起你的剑作战吧! Grab your sword and fight the horde!
洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是《魔兽争霸II》中人类的国王) Uncle Lothar wants YOU!
这是道新疤! It's only a flesh wound!
进攻! Attack!
拿起武器! To arms!
我来对付他们! Let me at 'em!

矮人火*手 Rifleman
锁定目标,装弹! Locked and loaded!
你有目标吗? Ye have a target?
是,长官! Aye sir!
你需要什么? Whaddya need?
是。 Aye.
该走了! Time to go!
好。 Okay.
我是你的射手。 I'm your shooter.
这……是……我的……火*! This... is... my... BOOMSTICK!
我的酒呢? Where's me drink!?
不喝它一盅我就瞄不准! I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!
欧,这是我的酒,下肚子吧! Oh, there's me drink. Get in mah belly!
*不杀人……我杀!哈哈哈! Gun's don't kill people . . . I DO! Hahah!
别用那东西射我! Don't shoot yer shit that thing at me!
我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这条狗! I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too!
只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的*! You'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
看这个,白痴! Take that ya sod!
*毙他们! Shoot to kill!
我看见野兽了! I've got the beast in mah sights!
开火! Fire!

*师 Archmage
最好值得这样做。 This had better be worth it.
你需要我的帮助吗? You require my assistance?
什么? Well?
继续。 Get on with it.
现在怎么办? What is it now?
很好。 Fine.
我不能再等了。 I can hardly wait..
太棒了! Perfect!
你难道没有一个战略构想吗? Don't you have a strategy?
我已经开始厌烦你的闲谈了。 Your prattle begins to annoy me.
你最好滚远些,不然我把你变成一只没脑子的绵羊。 You'd best stay clear of me, or I'll turn you into a mindless sheep.
我不会轻易浪费我的魔法。 I don't waste my magic on just anything.
Nimthory forstatis sedah (吟唱咒语) Nimthory forstatis sedah (something like that - mystic chanting, spelling approximates the words)
为光荣而战! For Glory!
准备战斗! To battle!

骑士 Knight
我等候您的命令。 I await your command.
遵命,陛下。 Yes my lord.
您的荣誉? Your honor?
命令我! Command me!
马上! At once!
为了国王! For the king!
绝对服从! Absolutely!
我最喜欢蓝色,不,*——! My favorite color is blue. No, yellowwww!
洛丹伦的胜利!(洛丹伦是魔兽世界里的一块*) Victory for Lordaeron!
您在跟我说话吗? Dost thous speak unto me?
以神的名义,你太烦人了! By the gods you're annoying!
我从没说过“Ni”。 I never say Ni.
该死的头盔……根本摘不下来…… Damn helmet... can't seem to get this thing...
去死吧! To the death!
为了国王! For the king!
进攻! Have at thee!

山丘之王 Mountain King
很好,谁要? All right, who wants some?
什么? Aye?
等待命令! Wait 'til ya see me in action!
给我些事做! Give me something to do!
嗯? Hmm?
我来啦! I'm comin' through!
别挡我的道! Outta my way!
遵命! Move it!
光彩照人! Brilliant!
你能给我的饮酒技能升上几级吗? Could ya put some bonus points in my drinking skill?
前面有快餐店吗? Any fish 'n chips shops about heah?
我认为该吃点心了。 I think it's time for a nippy shweetie.
你们这些混蛋在干什么? What the bloody hell are you playing at?
没什么比跟酒醉想要呕吐的感觉斗争更加刺激的事情了。 There's nothing more motivatin' than fightin' with a bad hangover.
酒吧在哪里? Where's the pub?
痛痛快快的玩吧! Let's get PISSED!
我去打发他们。 I'll run 'em through.
什么? What's this?
拿起武器! To arms!
死吧! Death comes for ye!

圣骑士 Paladin
我为服务信徒而生。 I live to serve all believers.
为您效劳! At your call!
为了我的人民。 For my people.
如您所愿。 As you wish.
没问题。 It shall be done!
我毫不恐惧。 I am not afraid.
让我来面对危险。 Let me face the peril.
您要我做什么? What would you ask of me?
该抡起锤子了! It's hammer time!
我要成为您的长柄战锤。 I want to be your sledgehammer.
不要碰我,我是纯洁的! Touch me not, I am chaste!
不?那时您最后的回答吗? No? Is that your final answer?
我呼吸不畅。 I have bad brethren.
那是一柄剑吗?奢侈!那是一匹马吗?懒惰!那是一顶头盔吗?虚荣! Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity!
公正终将得以伸张。 Justice will be served.
为您的名誉而战。 Defending your name.
让异教徒去死吧! Death to the infidels!

狮鹫骑士 Gryphon Rider
欧,又叫我了。 Och, count me in.
你是头儿。 Yer the boss.
没问题。 No problem.
直飞蓝天! Ter the skies!
棒极了! That's great!
噢! Och!
遵命,长官。 Aye sir.
照办。 I'll do what it takes.
你是根据我的块头来看待我的,不是吗? Judge me by my size, do ya?
战锤的尺寸不说明问题,怎么用它才是问题。 It's not the size of the hammer that counts, it's how ya wield it.
有人送我了这只鸟! Someone gave me the bird!
这把战锤花了4万块!呵呵呵。 This warhammer costs 40k! Heheh.
这怪物一半岌岌可危……但另一半本身就是危险! Half this beast is in danger . . . but the other half IS danger!
为了胜利! For victory!
你死定了! Death comes for ye!
以米莱丁胡须的名义! By Merradin's beard!

牧师 Priest
我为净化这片土地而来。 I come to cleanse this land.
有人需要我的帮助吗? Is my aid required?
你需要帮忙吗? What ails you?
好,我的朋友。 Yes, my friend.
有人受伤吗? Is someone injured?
如你所愿。 As you wish.
当然。 Of course.
我是您的仆人。 I am your servant.
手术刀!海绵!法杖! Scalpel! Sponge! Magic wand!
在光明中有和平和静谧。 There is peace, and serenity, within the light.
清洁!(伴随着释放电能的声音) Clear! (followed by an electrical discharge sound)
穿越孩子们,穿越,直到光明! Cross over children, cross over, into the light!
我被天上巨大的铁手选中了!(指的是玩家的鼠标指针) I have been chosen, by the big metal hand in the sky!
副作用可能包括口舌干燥、恶心、想呕吐、积水、阵痛、幻觉、头疼、精神病、昏迷、死亡等等。魔法并不适用于所有人,在使用之前请咨询你的医生。 Side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, haullucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use.
以光明之力的名义,燃烧吧! By the power of the light, BURN!
消失吧,黑暗的力量! Begone, spawn of darkness!
现在,感受我的愤怒吧! Now, feel my wrath!

女巫 Sorceress
今天魔法的波动很奇怪。 The flows of magic are whimsical today.
这样就好。 This better be good.
你需要帮助吗,人类? Do you require aid, Human?
协助我帮助你。 Help me help you.
如果你坚持的话。 If you insist.
好主意。 What a good idea.
是时候了。 It's about time.
又一次由精灵决定一切了。 Once again, it's up to the Elves.
下来,小东西! Get down, Sparky!
再点击我一次,宝贝。 Click me baby, one more time.
你也许需要一本战略指导。 Maybe you should get a strategy guide.
我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。 I don't remember casting slow on you.
你不是很明白,对吧? You don't get out much, do you?
改日到战网上聊天吧。 Let's chat on battle.net sometime.
要施展世界末日魔法,请同时按下Ctrl+Alt+Del!(试试看会发生什么……) For the end of the world spell, press Control-Alt-Delete.
马上就来 Wiout delay!
胜利是我们的! Now victory shall be ours!
你的愿望就是给我的命令。 Your wish is my command.

矮人直升机 Gyrocopter
我们起飞了! We have liftoff!
哦,是你。 Oh, it's you.
可以走了。 OK to go.
你在干什么? How you doing?
去哪里? Where to?
什么?在哪里? What, over there?
他们绝对不会发现我来了。(引擎轰鸣声) They'll never hear me coming (engine knocks)
遵命。 Will do, command.
天哪,我掉下去了什么东西。(呼哨声,然后是爆炸声) Oops, I dropped something (whistle, boom)
盯紧目标…… Stay on target . . .
我宁愿飞行,哦,噢。 I'd rather be flying. Uhh, oh.
你随时可以当我的舵手。 You can be my wingman anytime.
飞行员和投弹手,投弹手就位,继续飞行。 Pilot to bombardier. Bombardier here, go ahead pilot.
我将在此证明重力效应。(逐渐减弱的喊声) I will now demonstrate the doppler effect (Dopppleeerrrrrrr)
机翼上……有……一些……东西! There's . . . something . . . on . . .the wing!
我在一种不同的飞机上,明白吗?飞机。 I'm on a different PLANE of existence. Get it? PLANE.
我要唱歌! I've got tone!
这颗*是给你们的! This bomb's for you!
接着! Take it!
死吧! Death!

迫击炮小队 Mortar Team
迫击炮战斗! Mortar combat!
你好! Hello!
给我们指定目标! Show us a target!
让我们作战吧! Let's get to fightin'!
正在行动。 Move yer arse.
我们会干得干净利落。 We'll do it in a jiffy.
你作出了正确的选择! Ye made the right choice! It's on!
马上就来! Come on shorty. On our way!
移动! Mobile!
我们必须打败矮人!//我们就是矮人。//噢! We must defeat the dwarves! Uh, we ARE the dwarves. Oh.
你的肩膀上有薯条。//嗯,是的,还有鱼片。 You've got a chip in your shoulder. Mm, yes, and a bit of fish too.
小矮人就是这么来的,哈! And that's how baby dwarves are made. Bah!
显然塔斯达使我们失败了,你绝对不能!(别告诉我你不知道塔斯达是谁) Clearly Tassadar has failed us. You must not!
那是什么?//把你的手指头从炮管里拿开!——砰! What's that? Get yer finger out of the bunghole! *pop*
嗯……嗯,引线燃烧,炸药爆炸!(唱歌) Mmm-hmm-hmm. Burnin lootin, bombin shootin! (sung)
混蛋,看这个!(爆炸) Take this you bastard! (boom)
你想要我们去哪里? Where do you want us?
嘿!你们,接着! Hey you! Catch!
战斗结束了。 This battle is over.
烧掉它! Burn it!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:17

农民 Peasant
准备工作! Ready to work!
陛下? Yes milord?
干什么? What is it?
什么? What?
还要干活? More work?
好。 Right-o.
行。 All right.
马上就去。 Off I go then.
你是国王?可我没投你的票。 You're the king? Well, I didn't vote for you.
我们找到了一个女巫!我们应该烧死她吗? We found a witch! May we burn her?
救救我!我被*了! Help, help! I'm being repressed!
一匹马踢了我,真疼。 A horse kicked me once. It hurt.
咚! Doh!
没其他人闲着吗? Noe one else available?
好,我死定了。 That's it! I'm dead.
如果你想要的话。 If you want.

步兵 Footman
准备行动! Ready for action!
遵命! Yes my liege!
命令? Orders?
下令吧! Say the word!
是,陛下! Aye milord!
正在行动! On my way!
当然。 Of course.
你需要什么? What do you need?
不要问,不要说。 Don't ask, don't tell.
拿起你的剑作战吧! Grab your sword and fight the horde!
洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是《魔兽争霸II》中人类的国王) Uncle Lothar wants YOU!
这是道新疤! It's only a flesh wound!
进攻! Attack!
拿起武器! To arms!
我来对付他们! Let me at 'em!

矮人火*手 Rifleman
锁定目标,装弹! Locked and loaded!
你有目标吗? Ye have a target?
是,长官! Aye sir!
你需要什么? Whaddya need?
是。 Aye.
该走了! Time to go!
好。 Okay.
我是你的射手。 I'm your shooter.
这……是……我的……火*! This... is... my... BOOMSTICK!
我的酒呢? Where's me drink!?
不喝它一盅我就瞄不准! I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!
欧,这是我的酒,下肚子吧! Oh, there's me drink. Get in mah belly!
*不杀人……我杀!哈哈哈! Gun's don't kill people . . . I DO! Hahah!
别用那东西射我! Don't shoot yer shit that thing at me!
我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这条狗! I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too!
只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的*! You'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
看这个,白痴! Take that ya sod!
*毙他们! Shoot to kill!
我看见野兽了! I've got the beast in mah sights!
开火! Fire!

*师 Archmage
最好值得这样做。 This had better be worth it.
你需要我的帮助吗? You require my assistance?
什么? Well?
继续。 Get on with it.
现在怎么办? What is it now?
很好。 Fine.
我不能再等了。 I can hardly wait..
太棒了! Perfect!
你难道没有一个战略构想吗? Don't you have a strategy?
我已经开始厌烦你的闲谈了。 Your prattle begins to annoy me.
你最好滚远些,不然我把你变成一只没脑子的绵羊。 You'd best stay clear of me, or I'll turn you into a mindless sheep.
我不会轻易浪费我的魔法。 I don't waste my magic on just anything.
Nimthory forstatis sedah (吟唱咒语) Nimthory forstatis sedah (something like that - mystic chanting, spelling approximates the words)
为光荣而战! For Glory!
准备战斗! To battle!

骑士 Knight
我等候您的命令。 I await your command.
遵命,陛下。 Yes my lord.
您的荣誉? Your honor?
命令我! Command me!
马上! At once!
为了国王! For the king!
绝对服从! Absolutely!
我最喜欢蓝色,不,*——! My favorite color is blue. No, yellowwww!
洛丹伦的胜利!(洛丹伦是魔兽世界里的一块*) Victory for Lordaeron!
您在跟我说话吗? Dost thous speak unto me?
以神的名义,你太烦人了! By the gods you're annoying!
我从没说过“Ni”。 I never say Ni.
该死的头盔……根本摘不下来…… Damn helmet... can't seem to get this thing...
去死吧! To the death!
为了国王! For the king!
进攻! Have at thee!

山丘之王 Mountain King
很好,谁要? All right, who wants some?
什么? Aye?
等待命令! Wait 'til ya see me in action!
给我些事做! Give me something to do!
嗯? Hmm?
我来啦! I'm comin' through!
别挡我的道! Outta my way!
遵命! Move it!
光彩照人! Brilliant!
你能给我的饮酒技能升上几级吗? Could ya put some bonus points in my drinking skill?
前面有快餐店吗? Any fish 'n chips shops about heah?
我认为该吃点心了。 I think it's time for a nippy shweetie.
你们这些混蛋在干什么? What the bloody hell are you playing at?
没什么比跟酒醉想要呕吐的感觉斗争更加刺激的事情了。 There's nothing more motivatin' than fightin' with a bad hangover.
酒吧在哪里? Where's the pub?
痛痛快快的玩吧! Let's get PISSED!
我去打发他们。 I'll run 'em through.
什么? What's this?
拿起武器! To arms!
死吧! Death comes for ye!

圣骑士 Paladin
我为服务信徒而生。 I live to serve all believers.
为您效劳! At your call!
为了我的人民。 For my people.
如您所愿。 As you wish.
没问题。 It shall be done!
我毫不恐惧。 I am not afraid.
让我来面对危险。 Let me face the peril.
您要我做什么? What would you ask of me?
该抡起锤子了! It's hammer time!
我要成为您的长柄战锤。 I want to be your sledgehammer.
不要碰我,我是纯洁的! Touch me not, I am chaste!
不?那时您最后的回答吗? No? Is that your final answer?
我呼吸不畅。 I have bad brethren.
那是一柄剑吗?奢侈!那是一匹马吗?懒惰!那是一顶头盔吗?虚荣! Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity!
公正终将得以伸张。 Justice will be served.
为您的名誉而战。 Defending your name.
让异教徒去死吧! Death to the infidels!

狮鹫骑士 Gryphon Rider
欧,又叫我了。 Och, count me in.
你是头儿。 Yer the boss.
没问题。 No problem.
直飞蓝天! Ter the skies!
棒极了! That's great!
噢! Och!
遵命,长官。 Aye sir.
照办。 I'll do what it takes.
你是根据我的块头来看待我的,不是吗? Judge me by my size, do ya?
战锤的尺寸不说明问题,怎么用它才是问题。 It's not the size of the hammer that counts, it's how ya wield it.
有人送我了这只鸟! Someone gave me the bird!
这把战锤花了4万块!呵呵呵。 This warhammer costs 40k! Heheh.
这怪物一半岌岌可危……但另一半本身就是危险! Half this beast is in danger . . . but the other half IS danger!
为了胜利! For victory!
你死定了! Death comes for ye!
以米莱丁胡须的名义! By Merradin's beard!

牧师 Priest
我为净化这片土地而来。 I come to cleanse this land.
有人需要我的帮助吗? Is my aid required?
你需要帮忙吗? What ails you?
好,我的朋友。 Yes, my friend.
有人受伤吗? Is someone injured?
如你所愿。 As you wish.
当然。 Of course.
我是您的仆人。 I am your servant.
手术刀!海绵!法杖! Scalpel! Sponge! Magic wand!
在光明中有和平和静谧。 There is peace, and serenity, within the light.
清洁!(伴随着释放电能的声音) Clear! (followed by an electrical discharge sound)
穿越孩子们,穿越,直到光明! Cross over children, cross over, into the light!
我被天上巨大的铁手选中了!(指的是玩家的鼠标指针) I have been chosen, by the big metal hand in the sky!
副作用可能包括口舌干燥、恶心、想呕吐、积水、阵痛、幻觉、头疼、精神病、昏迷、死亡等等。魔法并不适用于所有人,在使用之前请咨询你的医生。 Side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, haullucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use.
以光明之力的名义,燃烧吧! By the power of the light, BURN!
消失吧,黑暗的力量! Begone, spawn of darkness!
现在,感受我的愤怒吧! Now, feel my wrath!

女巫 Sorceress
今天魔法的波动很奇怪。 The flows of magic are whimsical today.
这样就好。 This better be good.
你需要帮助吗,人类? Do you require aid, Human?
协助我帮助你。 Help me help you.
如果你坚持的话。 If you insist.
好主意。 What a good idea.
是时候了。 It's about time.
又一次由精灵决定一切了。 Once again, it's up to the Elves.
下来,小东西! Get down, Sparky!
再点击我一次,宝贝。 Click me baby, one more time.
你也许需要一本战略指导。 Maybe you should get a strategy guide.
我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。 I don't remember casting slow on you.
你不是很明白,对吧? You don't get out much, do you?
改日到战网上聊天吧。 Let's chat on battle.net sometime.
要施展世界末日魔法,请同时按下Ctrl+Alt+Del!(试试看会发生什么……) For the end of the world spell, press Control-Alt-Delete.
马上就来 Wiout delay!
胜利是我们的! Now victory shall be ours!
你的愿望就是给我的命令。 Your wish is my command.

矮人直升机 Gyrocopter
我们起飞了! We have liftoff!
哦,是你。 Oh, it's you.
可以走了。 OK to go.
你在干什么? How you doing?
去哪里? Where to?
什么?在哪里? What, over there?
他们绝对不会发现我来了。(引擎轰鸣声) They'll never hear me coming (engine knocks)
遵命。 Will do, command.
天哪,我掉下去了什么东西。(呼哨声,然后是爆炸声) Oops, I dropped something (whistle, boom)
盯紧目标…… Stay on target . . .
我宁愿飞行,哦,噢。 I'd rather be flying. Uhh, oh.
你随时可以当我的舵手。 You can be my wingman anytime.
飞行员和投弹手,投弹手就位,继续飞行。 Pilot to bombardier. Bombardier here, go ahead pilot.
我将在此证明重力效应。(逐渐减弱的喊声) I will now demonstrate the doppler effect (Dopppleeerrrrrrr)
机翼上……有……一些……东西! There's . . . something . . . on . . .the wing!
我在一种不同的飞机上,明白吗?飞机。 I'm on a different PLANE of existence. Get it? PLANE.
我要唱歌! I've got tone!
这颗*是给你们的! This bomb's for you!
接着! Take it!
死吧! Death!

迫击炮小队 Mortar Team
迫击炮战斗! Mortar combat!
你好! Hello!
给我们指定目标! Show us a target!
让我们作战吧! Let's get to fightin'!
正在行动。 Move yer arse.
我们会干得干净利落。 We'll do it in a jiffy.
你作出了正确的选择! Ye made the right choice! It's on!
马上就来! Come on shorty. On our way!
移动! Mobile!
我们必须打败矮人!//我们就是矮人。//噢! We must defeat the dwarves! Uh, we ARE the dwarves. Oh.
你的肩膀上有薯条。//嗯,是的,还有鱼片。 You've got a chip in your shoulder. Mm, yes, and a bit of fish too.
小矮人就是这么来的,哈! And that's how baby dwarves are made. Bah!
显然塔斯达使我们失败了,你绝对不能!(别告诉我你不知道塔斯达是谁) Clearly Tassadar has failed us. You must not!
那是什么?//把你的手指头从炮管里拿开!——砰! What's that? Get yer finger out of the bunghole! *pop*
嗯……嗯,引线燃烧,炸药爆炸!(唱歌) Mmm-hmm-hmm. Burnin lootin, bombin shootin! (sung)
混蛋,看这个!(爆炸) Take this you bastard! (boom)
你想要我们去哪里? Where do you want us?
嘿!你们,接着! Hey you! Catch!
战斗结束了。 This battle is over.
烧掉它! Burn it!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:17

农民 Peasant
准备工作! Ready to work!
陛下? Yes milord?
干什么? What is it?
什么? What?
还要干活? More work?
好。 Right-o.
行。 All right.
马上就去。 Off I go then.
你是国王?可我没投你的票。 You're the king? Well, I didn't vote for you.
我们找到了一个女巫!我们应该烧死她吗? We found a witch! May we burn her?
救救我!我被*了! Help, help! I'm being repressed!
一匹马踢了我,真疼。 A horse kicked me once. It hurt.
咚! Doh!
没其他人闲着吗? Noe one else available?
好,我死定了。 That's it! I'm dead.
如果你想要的话。 If you want.

步兵 Footman
准备行动! Ready for action!
遵命! Yes my liege!
命令? Orders?
下令吧! Say the word!
是,陛下! Aye milord!
正在行动! On my way!
当然。 Of course.
你需要什么? What do you need?
不要问,不要说。 Don't ask, don't tell.
拿起你的剑作战吧! Grab your sword and fight the horde!
洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是《魔兽争霸II》中人类的国王) Uncle Lothar wants YOU!
这是道新疤! It's only a flesh wound!
进攻! Attack!
拿起武器! To arms!
我来对付他们! Let me at 'em!

矮人火*手 Rifleman
锁定目标,装弹! Locked and loaded!
你有目标吗? Ye have a target?
是,长官! Aye sir!
你需要什么? Whaddya need?
是。 Aye.
该走了! Time to go!
好。 Okay.
我是你的射手。 I'm your shooter.
这……是……我的……火*! This... is... my... BOOMSTICK!
我的酒呢? Where's me drink!?
不喝它一盅我就瞄不准! I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!
欧,这是我的酒,下肚子吧! Oh, there's me drink. Get in mah belly!
*不杀人……我杀!哈哈哈! Gun's don't kill people . . . I DO! Hahah!
别用那东西射我! Don't shoot yer shit that thing at me!
我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这条狗! I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too!
只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的*! You'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
看这个,白痴! Take that ya sod!
*毙他们! Shoot to kill!
我看见野兽了! I've got the beast in mah sights!
开火! Fire!

*师 Archmage
最好值得这样做。 This had better be worth it.
你需要我的帮助吗? You require my assistance?
什么? Well?
继续。 Get on with it.
现在怎么办? What is it now?
很好。 Fine.
我不能再等了。 I can hardly wait..
太棒了! Perfect!
你难道没有一个战略构想吗? Don't you have a strategy?
我已经开始厌烦你的闲谈了。 Your prattle begins to annoy me.
你最好滚远些,不然我把你变成一只没脑子的绵羊。 You'd best stay clear of me, or I'll turn you into a mindless sheep.
我不会轻易浪费我的魔法。 I don't waste my magic on just anything.
Nimthory forstatis sedah (吟唱咒语) Nimthory forstatis sedah (something like that - mystic chanting, spelling approximates the words)
为光荣而战! For Glory!
准备战斗! To battle!

骑士 Knight
我等候您的命令。 I await your command.
遵命,陛下。 Yes my lord.
您的荣誉? Your honor?
命令我! Command me!
马上! At once!
为了国王! For the king!
绝对服从! Absolutely!
我最喜欢蓝色,不,*——! My favorite color is blue. No, yellowwww!
洛丹伦的胜利!(洛丹伦是魔兽世界里的一块*) Victory for Lordaeron!
您在跟我说话吗? Dost thous speak unto me?
以神的名义,你太烦人了! By the gods you're annoying!
我从没说过“Ni”。 I never say Ni.
该死的头盔……根本摘不下来…… Damn helmet... can't seem to get this thing...
去死吧! To the death!
为了国王! For the king!
进攻! Have at thee!

山丘之王 Mountain King
很好,谁要? All right, who wants some?
什么? Aye?
等待命令! Wait 'til ya see me in action!
给我些事做! Give me something to do!
嗯? Hmm?
我来啦! I'm comin' through!
别挡我的道! Outta my way!
遵命! Move it!
光彩照人! Brilliant!
你能给我的饮酒技能升上几级吗? Could ya put some bonus points in my drinking skill?
前面有快餐店吗? Any fish 'n chips shops about heah?
我认为该吃点心了。 I think it's time for a nippy shweetie.
你们这些混蛋在干什么? What the bloody hell are you playing at?
没什么比跟酒醉想要呕吐的感觉斗争更加刺激的事情了。 There's nothing more motivatin' than fightin' with a bad hangover.
酒吧在哪里? Where's the pub?
痛痛快快的玩吧! Let's get PISSED!
我去打发他们。 I'll run 'em through.
什么? What's this?
拿起武器! To arms!
死吧! Death comes for ye!

圣骑士 Paladin
我为服务信徒而生。 I live to serve all believers.
为您效劳! At your call!
为了我的人民。 For my people.
如您所愿。 As you wish.
没问题。 It shall be done!
我毫不恐惧。 I am not afraid.
让我来面对危险。 Let me face the peril.
您要我做什么? What would you ask of me?
该抡起锤子了! It's hammer time!
我要成为您的长柄战锤。 I want to be your sledgehammer.
不要碰我,我是纯洁的! Touch me not, I am chaste!
不?那时您最后的回答吗? No? Is that your final answer?
我呼吸不畅。 I have bad brethren.
那是一柄剑吗?奢侈!那是一匹马吗?懒惰!那是一顶头盔吗?虚荣! Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity!
公正终将得以伸张。 Justice will be served.
为您的名誉而战。 Defending your name.
让异教徒去死吧! Death to the infidels!

狮鹫骑士 Gryphon Rider
欧,又叫我了。 Och, count me in.
你是头儿。 Yer the boss.
没问题。 No problem.
直飞蓝天! Ter the skies!
棒极了! That's great!
噢! Och!
遵命,长官。 Aye sir.
照办。 I'll do what it takes.
你是根据我的块头来看待我的,不是吗? Judge me by my size, do ya?
战锤的尺寸不说明问题,怎么用它才是问题。 It's not the size of the hammer that counts, it's how ya wield it.
有人送我了这只鸟! Someone gave me the bird!
这把战锤花了4万块!呵呵呵。 This warhammer costs 40k! Heheh.
这怪物一半岌岌可危……但另一半本身就是危险! Half this beast is in danger . . . but the other half IS danger!
为了胜利! For victory!
你死定了! Death comes for ye!
以米莱丁胡须的名义! By Merradin's beard!

牧师 Priest
我为净化这片土地而来。 I come to cleanse this land.
有人需要我的帮助吗? Is my aid required?
你需要帮忙吗? What ails you?
好,我的朋友。 Yes, my friend.
有人受伤吗? Is someone injured?
如你所愿。 As you wish.
当然。 Of course.
我是您的仆人。 I am your servant.
手术刀!海绵!法杖! Scalpel! Sponge! Magic wand!
在光明中有和平和静谧。 There is peace, and serenity, within the light.
清洁!(伴随着释放电能的声音) Clear! (followed by an electrical discharge sound)
穿越孩子们,穿越,直到光明! Cross over children, cross over, into the light!
我被天上巨大的铁手选中了!(指的是玩家的鼠标指针) I have been chosen, by the big metal hand in the sky!
副作用可能包括口舌干燥、恶心、想呕吐、积水、阵痛、幻觉、头疼、精神病、昏迷、死亡等等。魔法并不适用于所有人,在使用之前请咨询你的医生。 Side effects may include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, haullucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use.
以光明之力的名义,燃烧吧! By the power of the light, BURN!
消失吧,黑暗的力量! Begone, spawn of darkness!
现在,感受我的愤怒吧! Now, feel my wrath!

女巫 Sorceress
今天魔法的波动很奇怪。 The flows of magic are whimsical today.
这样就好。 This better be good.
你需要帮助吗,人类? Do you require aid, Human?
协助我帮助你。 Help me help you.
如果你坚持的话。 If you insist.
好主意。 What a good idea.
是时候了。 It's about time.
又一次由精灵决定一切了。 Once again, it's up to the Elves.
下来,小东西! Get down, Sparky!
再点击我一次,宝贝。 Click me baby, one more time.
你也许需要一本战略指导。 Maybe you should get a strategy guide.
我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。 I don't remember casting slow on you.
你不是很明白,对吧? You don't get out much, do you?
改日到战网上聊天吧。 Let's chat on battle.net sometime.
要施展世界末日魔法,请同时按下Ctrl+Alt+Del!(试试看会发生什么……) For the end of the world spell, press Control-Alt-Delete.
马上就来 Wiout delay!
胜利是我们的! Now victory shall be ours!
你的愿望就是给我的命令。 Your wish is my command.

矮人直升机 Gyrocopter
我们起飞了! We have liftoff!
哦,是你。 Oh, it's you.
可以走了。 OK to go.
你在干什么? How you doing?
去哪里? Where to?
什么?在哪里? What, over there?
他们绝对不会发现我来了。(引擎轰鸣声) They'll never hear me coming (engine knocks)
遵命。 Will do, command.
天哪,我掉下去了什么东西。(呼哨声,然后是爆炸声) Oops, I dropped something (whistle, boom)
盯紧目标…… Stay on target . . .
我宁愿飞行,哦,噢。 I'd rather be flying. Uhh, oh.
你随时可以当我的舵手。 You can be my wingman anytime.
飞行员和投弹手,投弹手就位,继续飞行。 Pilot to bombardier. Bombardier here, go ahead pilot.
我将在此证明重力效应。(逐渐减弱的喊声) I will now demonstrate the doppler effect (Dopppleeerrrrrrr)
机翼上……有……一些……东西! There's . . . something . . . on . . .the wing!
我在一种不同的飞机上,明白吗?飞机。 I'm on a different PLANE of existence. Get it? PLANE.
我要唱歌! I've got tone!
这颗*是给你们的! This bomb's for you!
接着! Take it!
死吧! Death!

迫击炮小队 Mortar Team
迫击炮战斗! Mortar combat!
你好! Hello!
给我们指定目标! Show us a target!
让我们作战吧! Let's get to fightin'!
正在行动。 Move yer arse.
我们会干得干净利落。 We'll do it in a jiffy.
你作出了正确的选择! Ye made the right choice! It's on!
马上就来! Come on shorty. On our way!
移动! Mobile!
我们必须打败矮人!//我们就是矮人。//噢! We must defeat the dwarves! Uh, we ARE the dwarves. Oh.
你的肩膀上有薯条。//嗯,是的,还有鱼片。 You've got a chip in your shoulder. Mm, yes, and a bit of fish too.
小矮人就是这么来的,哈! And that's how baby dwarves are made. Bah!
显然塔斯达使我们失败了,你绝对不能!(别告诉我你不知道塔斯达是谁) Clearly Tassadar has failed us. You must not!
那是什么?//把你的手指头从炮管里拿开!——砰! What's that? Get yer finger out of the bunghole! *pop*
嗯……嗯,引线燃烧,炸药爆炸!(唱歌) Mmm-hmm-hmm. Burnin lootin, bombin shootin! (sung)
混蛋,看这个!(爆炸) Take this you bastard! (boom)
你想要我们去哪里? Where do you want us?
嘿!你们,接着! Hey you! Catch!
战斗结束了。 This battle is over.
烧掉它! Burn it!

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