发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 21:07
...求英语帝翻译 翻译的优美点 拒绝中式英文.谢Nothing worths you being sad ,only be yourself is OK .没有什么值得你悲伤或忧愁.你只要做你自己,你就是你
不犹豫 不后悔 的英文翻译,不要给我那种中式英语...without hasitation,without regrets.
...将中文翻译成美式英语或英式英语,,,不要中式英语.谢谢建议用 有道桌面字典
当谚语用中式英语翻译后 有哪些搞笑的中式英语翻译同时,我们也看到一些谚语如"光阴如梭"(No one can call back yesterday)、"有钱人任性"(Have money to burn)、"花钱如流水"(Spend money like water)和"拒人于千里之外"(Shut the door in somebodys face)等,用英文表达出不同的韵味。总的来说,中式英语谚语的翻译充满了创意和趣味,...
舅母,谢谢您的祝贺,我也祝你越来越年轻.. 英文翻译,Auntie, Thank you for your kind regard, I wish you enjoy the youth forever and ever.建议楼主用本人的.楼上的多少觉得有点太中式.
保护环境是十分重要的事。译成英文It's very important to keep the environment well.
翻译句子,不要中式英语 不要翻译器翻译的Zhangjiajie, Changsha 这种用法是比较正式的,例如在报纸上的文章,日常英语(即是口语)会用介词将两个地方连起来。I……with my family.英文裏不会用 I and my family / my family and I,只会将I(我)放最前,和我在一起的其他人用 with XXX 连起来放最後。beautiful weather 地道英语,大...
帮忙翻译成英文谢谢!谢谢中式英语和翻译机!重谢!now most of the bicycles don't have cycle light 我认为这是不合理和危险的。自行车作为一种 and i think it's unreasonable and dangerous. as a kind of 交通工具虽然速度没有机动车辆快,但是一旦发生 vehicle, although it's not as fast as moto vehicle,交通事故也是很危险的,且容易造成...
请英文高手帮忙翻译信件,中译英,谢谢!please give me some cursory details, and I will give you further guidance 2-3 letters — from individuals reasonably prominent or accomplished in some way, and believably familiar with your work in your field — attesting in concrete and credible detail to both the originalit...