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那位大哥大姐帮忙我翻译下论文摘要的英文2 感谢

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 22:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 10:28

With the rapid development of Electronics Science and Technology, Multimedia courseware for classroom teaching aids has gradually come into being from the background to the Front Desk. Flash for its simple, powerful changes in flexibility, interactive, and informative, occupying less disk space, easy to control has won the favor of the vast number of teachers. Producing multimedia courseware with Flash, are widely used in the field of education, and also has put forward the demand for quality requirements of the Flash courseware increasingly .
This design is for teaching navigation based on the C + + network platform. With the curriculum information, school curriculum on the platform, there is a forum for the exchange and various diversity projects. C + + itself is a profound language, involves a large number of their characteristics, and content pages of the teaching platform increases with various needs . A concise, clear, no lack of color navigation can make a better understanding of it and use of network teaching platform.
And this design is such a view based on hereinbefore. Concluding 7 key points and 10 minor points based on C + + teaching platform ,the content of the language should be clear and concise in introduction with the color in harmony with the platform pages. The navigation display area is divided into two major parts, animated titles and navigation pages.
The simple, comfortable visual concept allows users to be more easy to understand.
The design is done with the Adobe Flash CS4 with the use of Photoshop for the editing of the appearance of the interface and a variety of vector elements. In the mean time, the Adobe Soundbooth CS4 audio editing tools has made the animation much more dynamic.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 10:29


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