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...女英文歌,中间的伴奏是等灯瞪 瞪灯等等 瞪瞪灯灯等等灯 瞪灯灯等

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 03:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 05:39

ti:Do Do Do
ar:Lutricia McNeal

I will do do do do do
I'll do anything for you
I will do do do do do
I'll do anything for you

I can feel my heart pounding inside when you are near
I can feel your touch turning me on when I close my eyes

Late in night when we're of ourselves

Let me make your wish come true
Yes I will do do do do do do the things you really want me to
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm here with you
I will do do do do do do the thing you telling me is true
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm in love with you

When the morning breaks don't want you to leave
I won't make out
Come and hold me close
Close to your heart and be the one

Late in night when we're of ourselves
Let me make your wish come true
Yes I will do do do do do do the things you really want me to
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm here with you
I will do do do do do do the thing you telling me is true
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm in love with you

Yes, I will do
You know I'll do
I believe you for return our tear
I'll be here for you 'til the end
May us keep love for return our tear
I'll do do do do do do the thing you want me to
I'll do do do do do do the thing you want me to
I will do do do do do do the things you really want me to
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm here with you
I will do do do do do do the thing you telling me is true
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm in love with you
Do do do do do do the things you really want me to
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm here with you
I will do do do do do do the thing you telling me is true
'Cause I feel like coming heaven when I'm in love with you
Yes, i'm in love with you
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