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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 18:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:32

I bought this car 3 years ago.
I have bought this car for 3 years.
I have bought this car since 3 years ago.
It's 3 years since I bought this car.

The teacher left half an hour ago.
The teacher has left for half an hour .
The teacher has left since half an hour ago.
It's half an hour since the teacher left.

ten years ago,my uncle went to England .
My uncle has gone to England for ten years.
My uncle has gone to England since ten years ago.
It's ten years since my uncle went to England.

My sister bought this book two days ago.
My sister has bought this book for two days.
My sister has bought this book since two days ago.
It's two days since my sister bought this book.

He joined the League two years ago.
He has joined the League for two years.
He has joined the League since two years ago.
It's two years since he joined the League.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:30

1.I bought this car three years ago
2.The teacher has left for 30 minutes
3.My uncle has gone England since ten years ago
4.It's two day pass since my sister bought this book

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:34

I bought this car 3 years ago.
I have bought this car for 3 years.
I have bought this car since 3 years ago.
It's 3 years since I bought this car.

The teacher left half an hour ago.
The teacher has left for half an hour .
The teacher has left since half an hour ago.
It's half an hour since the teacher left.

ten years ago,my uncle went to England .
My uncle has gone to England for ten years.
My uncle has gone to England since ten years ago.
It's ten years since my uncle went to England.

My sister bought this book two days ago.
My sister has bought this book for two days.
My sister has bought this book since two days ago.
It's two days since my sister bought this book.

He joined the League two years ago.
He has joined the League for two years.
He has joined the League since two years ago.
It's two years since he joined the League.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:34


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:32

I bought this car 3 years ago.
I have bought this car for 3 years.
I have bought this car since 3 years ago.
It's 3 years since I bought this car.

The teacher left half an hour ago.
The teacher has left for half an hour .
The teacher has left since half an hour ago.
It's half an hour since the teacher left.

ten years ago,my uncle went to England .
My uncle has gone to England for ten years.
My uncle has gone to England since ten years ago.
It's ten years since my uncle went to England.

My sister bought this book two days ago.
My sister has bought this book for two days.
My sister has bought this book since two days ago.
It's two days since my sister bought this book.

He joined the League two years ago.
He has joined the League for two years.
He has joined the League since two years ago.
It's two years since he joined the League.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:32

I bought this car 3 years ago.
I have bought this car for 3 years.
I have bought this car since 3 years ago.
It's 3 years since I bought this car.

The teacher left half an hour ago.
The teacher has left for half an hour .
The teacher has left since half an hour ago.
It's half an hour since the teacher left.

ten years ago,my uncle went to England .
My uncle has gone to England for ten years.
My uncle has gone to England since ten years ago.
It's ten years since my uncle went to England.

My sister bought this book two days ago.
My sister has bought this book for two days.
My sister has bought this book since two days ago.
It's two days since my sister bought this book.

He joined the League two years ago.
He has joined the League for two years.
He has joined the League since two years ago.
It's two years since he joined the League.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:35


热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 12:36

1.I bought this car three years ago
2.The teacher has left for 30 minutes
3.My uncle has gone England since ten years ago
4.It's two day pass since my sister bought this book
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