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my new year's resolution 英语作文翻译

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my new year's resolution 英语作文翻译


My New Year`s Resolution

This year, my new year’s resolution is to pass the English test. I have been studying hard to improve my English, but my English is still not very good, and last year, I failed the exam. This year, I will work even harder, and I will try to pass my English test ...

英语作文: My New Year's Resolution怎么写?

My new year's resolution is difficult to achieve.我的新年决心很难完成。First of all, I want to study hard because I want to get good grades.首先,我要努力学习,因为我想取得好成绩。Math is not very good, so I will practice three times a week.数学不是很好,所以我将每周练习三...

英语作文:My new year's resolution. (我的新年计划) 不少

My new year's resolution 我的新年计划 My new years plan is very very brief.我的新年计划是很简洁的。New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New Year's Day in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Yea...

初二上册英语作文my new year's Resolutions

my new year’s resolutions are diffcult to finish. first, i am going to study hard because i want to get good grades. math is not very good, so i will practice it three times a week.然后,我要多锻炼。我将去游泳、跑步等等。接下来,我会多吃蔬菜和水果来保持健康。我也想学习...


关于新年决心的英语作文初二带翻译内容:New year's Resolution 新年决心 I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books...


我的新年愿望英语是:My New Years Resolution。范文:The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do: 1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better! 2.I will ...

英语作文 my new years resolution作文 带翻译 120词

I want to learn swim this year.I like swimming very much, because I think it’s cool.I hope I can do it.Finally, I hope happiness is fully filled my home in the new year.新的一年已经到来了。为了能度过充实的一年,我制定了新年计划。首先,我要努力学习,毕竟学习才是最重要的...

my new year`s resolution中学生英语作文60词左右

初中英语作文my new year`s resolution 2011 is coming. It is a new year. Everything is going to be new and hopeful.Definitely, I am going to work harder in this year. When I grow up, Iam going to be a photographer and move somewhere quiet and beautiful.I can travel all ...


Spring festival is coming.Before spring festival I'm going to go shopping and buy new clothes. I'm going to buy flowers. I'm going to clean my house.And I am going to see a film with my parents. I hope I can get lots of lucky money.I will lead a healthy lifestyle ...

newyearparty英语作文 resolution英语作文 happynewyear英语作文 mynewyear作文带翻译 my new year 英语作文 new year day英语作文 the new year英语作文 NewYearsDay英语作文 newyear英语作文
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