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Every Single Thing (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 19:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 01:21

歌曲名:Every Single Thing (Album Version)
歌手:The Muffs
专辑:The Muffs

Youngstown - Every Single Thing
I can't understand how I took it for granted
Your love when I had it meant the world to me
But I never told you guess, I thought it would show through
Should have known you'd grow teary from me
So before you leave give me a chance
I'll get down on my knees to win you back
Like a river flowing into the sea, you touch me so deep
Like the sun up in the sweet summer sky
It's your love that shines in my life
So if you don't know what you mean to me
Can't you see you've got me down on my knees
You're my heaven and earth and every single thing in between
Oh, yeah, yeah
Took me a while but I'm done with denial
I swear now it's final you're the one for me
I just want to hold you be the one you feel close to
Nothing I won't do to give you all that you need
'Cause if you should go slip through my hands
Then don't you know you take all I have
Like a river flowing into the sea, you touch me so deep
Like the sun up in the sweet summer sky
It's your love that shines in my life
So if you don't know what you mean to me
Can't you see you've got me down on my knees
You're my heaven and earth and every single thing in between
You gotta listen to me, you're my heaven
I'm begging you please, you're my heaven
Baby can't you see you mean everything
'Cause if you should go slip through my hands
Oh, then don't you know you take all I have, all I have, oh, yeah
Like a river flowing into the sea, you touch me so deep
Like the sun up in the sweet summer sky
It's your love that shines in my life
So if you don't know what you mean to me
Can't you see you've got me down on my knees
You're my heaven and earth and every single thing in between
You're my heaven, heaven
You're my heaven, heaven
You're my heaven and every single thing in between, yeah

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