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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-03 10:25



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 07:52

I am enthusiastic,confident,positive and eloquent.
I can build up a nice relationship with others really soon.My life is full of hope and optimism.
And I have a zeal for my career.Whether there is any hardship or suffering for the job,I can cope with it well.
Independent thinking is another merit of mine.I can stay calm and sufficient under problematic circumstances.
Moreover,I am capable of market investigating,digit analysing,sales implementing and group works.
I am strong in adapting for and accepting new messages and responsible and perseverant in personality.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 07:52

passionate, confident, bright, and eloquent
open, outgoing, full of passion, capable of quickly establishing workign relationship with others
workholic, willing to take difficult task job and work hard.
independent thinking, calm, un-biased and cool
keen marketing insight, strong data analysis skill, ability to implement sales targets, and team work spirit.
ability to accept new things, strong will and never give up easily

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 07:53

passion, confidence, outgoing and talkative
can easily build good relationship with others and can easily get involved in the group
have passion to work and hardworking
have the ability to think independently, calm and can have an objective opnion on the issue
have an acute sense of market changes, data analysis, sales inplementation and cooperation
can soon accept new things and never give up

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 07:53

Enthusiasm, confidence, sunshine, kind words!
To quickly establish a good relationship with others, bright sunshine, full of enthusiasm;
Is enthusiastic about his work, dare to bear, endeavoring.
Alone thinking, calm, calm, look at problems objectively.
Have a keen market dynamic force, data analysis, sales executive ability and team cooperation ability;
To accept the new thing ability strong, resolute character, never give up!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 07:54

Enthusiasm, confidence, sunshine, good words! With the rapid and others to establish a good relationship, bright sunshine, full of passion; passion for work, the courage to enre hardship, pinbo. Thinking alone, to calm, calm, objective look at problems. Have a keen market insight ability, data analysis, sales executive ability and the team cooperation ability; the ability to accept new things, resolute, never give up!
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