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extensive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.


just put it into your micro-wave oven,then,fix the time of cooking.Perhaps,in 5 minutes,you will get the pop corns.Finally,you take it out and you can enjoy it.


First,put the corn into the popcorn popper.Next,turn on the popper.Then,put the popcorn in a bowl.After that,add the salt to the popcorn.Finally,eat the popcorn Next,take a frying pan and a fitting lid. Put some of my vaseline grease (canola oil for example) in it to m...


first put the popcorn into the paopcorn popper,next turn on the popcorn poper,then pour the popcorn into a bowl, finally add some salt to the popcorn ,now you can enjoy it!


water vapor pressure is great, so that has softened the expansion of the rice grains. But this time the pressure inside and outside the grain of rice is balanced, so grain of rice in the pot will not burst open.When the pot atmospheric pressure rose to 4-5 months, suddenly ...

英语作文 制作爆米花、

How can we make popcorn?First, put some corn in the popcorn popper. Next, open the popper. Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl, and put some sugar on it. Finally, you can eat it.

用First,Next,Then,After that,,Finally 。写一篇英语短文六句话

held a fantastic birthday party at home which was just unforgetable.we sang birthday song,danced with each other and played a sea of interesting games ,we had a lot of fun today ,i loved my distinguished friends ,we enjoyed ourselves today,i just can't wait to have my next ...


Three students made their New Year's resolutions yesterday.Kim is going to make the soccer team.Lucy is going to learn to play the piano.Manuel is going to get good grades.基本上就这样了,我上八年级的时候就是这么写的,将就下啊~...


2.Put corn grain into the bowl ,reaching half of the capacity.3. Put a small piece of butter into the bowl,30g or so,and churn up for a moment.if you want it to be bioled sweet,then choose butter with suger,contrarily,choose butter with salt.4. As soon as the ...


Then pour the popcorn in a bowl.Next put some salt in a bowl.Finally mix it all up.学的时候我是这么写的。给我最佳吧~

玉米和爆米花的作文 关于爆米花的短文 关于做爆米花的作文 蹦爆米花的作文 爆米花飘香的童年阅读短文答案 阅读短文卖爆米花的少年 关于爆米花的秘密作文 描写做爆米花的散文 炒爆米花短文
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