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求英文的关于Jazz music和Blue music的起源的介绍和自己的感受(+分)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 04:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 23:34

Jazz, a kind of African origin in the form of music. In less than a century, the name of this jazz music, has a significant feature of American music from jazz silently without the development of folk songs from a variety of sources, careful research is not easy. Music ring the 19th century plantation in the southern United States black slaves to express their emotional life and self-important means. I'm told that the origin of folk music in the United States have developed into the most powerful type of art. Jazz is not surprising in so many forms, and in each of its forms is of prime importance, both to maintain its own unique characteristics and charm and down so far. If you want to enjoy a variety of jazz, experience in a variety of fun, we can not do not need to have an open mind, listen to and compatible.

Blues (Blues) R & B music in order to have a concert to express personal feelings, as its name implies, this music sounds very melancholy (Blue). This song to heart the idea of a direct statement of expressions, and the music was very different from the white community.

Fan-beat sound (Ragtime) is a kind of black people using the melody, and later developed into a combination of pop music, march, waltz and other popular dance forms, it is not only black musicians and fans between the popular, but also by the United States of white middle-class Accepted.

Cool Jazz (Cool Jazz) Cool jazz on behalf of a self-restrained emotions, it is a soft, cool and subtle emotion of the lyric; its general tone as bright as brilliant brass-and been replaced by the gentle beauty.

Free jazz (Free Jazz) the birth of free jazz has its political and ethnic background, as it was a black conscious movement for human rights and the fight song, so in the early 60's with the black civil rights movement are closely related.

Swing (Swing) by the late jazz turned into a song and dance performance accompanied by the orchestra and concert music; as a result of rock music suitable for dancing, each section there are four pictures, it is also known as the "four-beat jazz."

Bop (Bebop or Bop) Bop is a rebel of jazz, which not only inherited the New Orleans Jazz and rock music elements of traditional music and creativity in the concept of innovation, and revolutionary breakthroughs.

Jazz Festival has always been jazz musicians cross-continent, cross-border, cross-national communication of the important channels, such as Switzerland and Mongolia Terex Jazz Festival, Japan Jazz Festival music event the world has been the Jazz are an active part in The. With the Jazz in ancient China to take root, the spread of development, Beijing International Jazz Festival came into being it has been! Now, take a look at Beijing as long as there are so many places to hear jazz, jazz concerts of the growing number of bars and clubs, the Jazz will be able to prove that this dynamic in Chinese art has found a "home." In order to better radiation to the whole of China, in addition to Beijing as the center stage, the Beijing International Jazz Festival has also moved to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Cheng, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other cities jazz concert held in the popularity of jazz Has done a lot of meaningful work. Some of the world's leading jazz media, such as "remake" (DOWN BEAT) magazine, Black Entertainment Television Jazz on the Beijing International Jazz Festival is very concerned about every music festival in which all of the activities focus on performance reports. In my personal estimate, if given time, Beijing International Jazz Festival should be able to become Asia's best Jazz Festival

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 23:34

Jazz, a kind of African origin in the form of music. In less than a century, the name of this jazz music, has a significant feature of American music from jazz silently without the development of folk songs from a variety of sources, careful research is not easy. Music ring the 19th century plantation in the southern United States black slaves to express their emotional life and self-important means. I'm told that the origin of folk music in the United States have developed into the most powerful type of art. Jazz is not surprising in so many forms, and in each of its forms is of prime importance, both to maintain its own unique characteristics and charm and down so far. If you want to enjoy a variety of jazz, experience in a variety of fun, we can not do not need to have an open mind, listen to and compatible.

Blues (Blues) R & B music in order to have a concert to express personal feelings, as its name implies, this music sounds very melancholy (Blue). This song to heart the idea of a direct statement of expressions, and the music was very different from the white community.

Fan-beat sound (Ragtime) is a kind of black people using the melody, and later developed into a combination of pop music, march, waltz and other popular dance forms, it is not only black musicians and fans between the popular, but also by the United States of white middle-class Accepted.

Cool Jazz (Cool Jazz) Cool jazz on behalf of a self-restrained emotions, it is a soft, cool and subtle emotion of the lyric; its general tone as bright as brilliant brass-and been replaced by the gentle beauty.

Free jazz (Free Jazz) the birth of free jazz has its political and ethnic background, as it was a black conscious movement for human rights and the fight song, so in the early 60's with the black civil rights movement are closely related.

Swing (Swing) by the late jazz turned into a song and dance performance accompanied by the orchestra and concert music; as a result of rock music suitable for dancing, each section there are four pictures, it is also known as the "four-beat jazz."

Bop (Bebop or Bop) Bop is a rebel of jazz, which not only inherited the New Orleans Jazz and rock music elements of traditional music and creativity in the concept of innovation, and revolutionary breakthroughs.

Jazz Festival has always been jazz musicians cross-continent, cross-border, cross-national communication of the important channels, such as Switzerland and Mongolia Terex Jazz Festival, Japan Jazz Festival music event the world has been the Jazz are an active part in The. With the Jazz in ancient China to take root, the spread of development, Beijing International Jazz Festival came into being it has been! Now, take a look at Beijing as long as there are so many places to hear jazz, jazz concerts of the growing number of bars and clubs, the Jazz will be able to prove that this dynamic in Chinese art has found a "home." In order to better radiation to the whole of China, in addition to Beijing as the center stage, the Beijing International Jazz Festival has also moved to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Cheng, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other cities jazz concert held in the popularity of jazz Has done a lot of meaningful work. Some of the world's leading jazz media, such as "remake" (DOWN BEAT) magazine, Black Entertainment Television Jazz on the Beijing International Jazz Festival is very concerned about every music festival in which all of the activities focus on performance reports. In my personal estimate, if given time, Beijing International Jazz Festival should be able to become Asia's best Jazz Festival

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 23:34

Jazz, a kind of African origin in the form of music. In less than a century, the name of this jazz music, has a significant feature of American music from jazz silently without the development of folk songs from a variety of sources, careful research is not easy. Music ring the 19th century plantation in the southern United States black slaves to express their emotional life and self-important means. I'm told that the origin of folk music in the United States have developed into the most powerful type of art. Jazz is not surprising in so many forms, and in each of its forms is of prime importance, both to maintain its own unique characteristics and charm and down so far. If you want to enjoy a variety of jazz, experience in a variety of fun, we can not do not need to have an open mind, listen to and compatible.

Blues (Blues) R & B music in order to have a concert to express personal feelings, as its name implies, this music sounds very melancholy (Blue). This song to heart the idea of a direct statement of expressions, and the music was very different from the white community.

Fan-beat sound (Ragtime) is a kind of black people using the melody, and later developed into a combination of pop music, march, waltz and other popular dance forms, it is not only black musicians and fans between the popular, but also by the United States of white middle-class Accepted.

Cool Jazz (Cool Jazz) Cool jazz on behalf of a self-restrained emotions, it is a soft, cool and subtle emotion of the lyric; its general tone as bright as brilliant brass-and been replaced by the gentle beauty.

Free jazz (Free Jazz) the birth of free jazz has its political and ethnic background, as it was a black conscious movement for human rights and the fight song, so in the early 60's with the black civil rights movement are closely related.

Swing (Swing) by the late jazz turned into a song and dance performance accompanied by the orchestra and concert music; as a result of rock music suitable for dancing, each section there are four pictures, it is also known as the "four-beat jazz."

Bop (Bebop or Bop) Bop is a rebel of jazz, which not only inherited the New Orleans Jazz and rock music elements of traditional music and creativity in the concept of innovation, and revolutionary breakthroughs.

Jazz Festival has always been jazz musicians cross-continent, cross-border, cross-national communication of the important channels, such as Switzerland and Mongolia Terex Jazz Festival, Japan Jazz Festival music event the world has been the Jazz are an active part in The. With the Jazz in ancient China to take root, the spread of development, Beijing International Jazz Festival came into being it has been! Now, take a look at Beijing as long as there are so many places to hear jazz, jazz concerts of the growing number of bars and clubs, the Jazz will be able to prove that this dynamic in Chinese art has found a "home." In order to better radiation to the whole of China, in addition to Beijing as the center stage, the Beijing International Jazz Festival has also moved to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Cheng, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other cities jazz concert held in the popularity of jazz Has done a lot of meaningful work. Some of the world's leading jazz media, such as "remake" (DOWN BEAT) magazine, Black Entertainment Television Jazz on the Beijing International Jazz Festival is very concerned about every music festival in which all of the activities focus on performance reports. In my personal estimate, if given time, Beijing International Jazz Festival should be able to become Asia's best Jazz Festival
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