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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 08:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 12:47

Thai people should meet their chests in exchange Geshi, which is Shuang Zhang Keidanren, on the chest between the amount of this is a gift, which is equivalent to shake hands with the West, Shuang Zhang cited a higher degree of respect deeper . People want to see the king hands over your head, a descendant to see parents give their hands to forehead, nose to the same generation to meet the following example. Requite a descendant of the elders give to his chest, hands should not be higher than the front. Lower status or younger who should pay tribute to Geshi.

He Shi others to you, you have to send a present in return, or is rude. He Shi to be slightly down, I said, "Sawadika!" (Sawattdee, that is, "Hello"). Sincerely Geshi after the two sides do not have to shake hands, the meeting between men and women do not shake hands, monks and laity can not shake hands.

Thai personnes doivent remplir leurs coffres en échange geshi, qui est Zhang Shuang Keidanren, sur la poitrine entre le montant de cela est un don, ce qui équivaut à serrer la main de l'Ouest, Zhang Shuang cité un plus haut degré de respect profond . Les gens veulent voir le roi les mains sur la tête, un descendant de voir les parents de donner leurs mains pour le front, le nez à la même génération pour répondre à l'exemple suivant. Requite un descendant des anciens donner à sa poitrine, les mains ne doit pas être supérieur à l'avant. Statut inférieur ou moins, qui devrait rendre hommage à geshi.

Il Shi autres à vous, vous devez envoyer un cadeau en retour, ou est rude. Il Shi être légèrement vers le bas, je l'ai dit, "Sawadika!" (Sawattdee, qui est, "Bonjour"). Cordialement geshi après les deux parties n'ont pas à serrer la main, la réunion entre les hommes et les femmes ne se serrent la main, les moines et les laïcs ne peuvent pas serrer la main.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 12:47


热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 12:49

Thai people should meet their chests in exchange Geshi, which is Shuang Zhang Keidanren, on the chest between the amount of this is a gift, which is equivalent to shake hands with the West, Shuang Zhang cited a higher degree of respect deeper . People want to see the king hands over your head, a descendant to see parents give their hands to forehead, nose to the same generation to meet the following example. Requite a descendant of the elders give to his chest, hands should not be higher than the front. Lower status or younger who should pay tribute to Geshi.

He Shi others to you, you have to send a present in return, or is rude. He Shi to be slightly down, I said, "Sawadika!" (Sawattdee, that is, "Hello"). Sincerely Geshi after the two sides do not have to shake hands, the meeting between men and women do not shake hands, monks and laity can not shake hands.
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