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Ten Thousand Strong 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 14:13



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 00:16

歌曲名:Ten Thousand Strong
歌手:iced earth
专辑:Overture of the Wicked - EP

Ten Thousand Strong
Iced Earth
Make by E.D&C
A gathering summoned by the Elder
The consequence of what`s imminent
A prophecy dark foreboding
Forces them to face human intent
The chosen seek refuge in the mountains
Reluctantly their loved ones recognize
The sacrifice they must adhere to
The only hope for future Setian life
Like a Martyr sacrifice
Await the day of clouding
Earth mother`s sharing in our pain
Erase the human memory
They know not of where they came
And though our hearts are broken
We have to wipe the tears away
In vain they did not suffer
Then Thousand Strong will seize the day
What we possess. Mankind is after
Direct descendants of the Architect
Children of God, seeds of creation
The stakes so high we must never relent
While in wait till human minds are clouded
Initiation of the Master Plan
Assimilate and build new life among them
Centuries will past, patience will win
We are the bane of man
Await the day of clouding
Earth mother`s sharing in our pain
Erase the human memory
They know not of where they came
And though our hearts are broken
We have to wipe the tears away
In vain they did not suffer
Then Thousand Strong will seize the day
Await the day of clouding
Earth mother`s sharing in our pain
Erase the human memory
They know not of where they came
And though our hearts are broken
We have to wipe the tears away
In vain they did not suffer
Then Thousand Strong will seize the day

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