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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:46



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 23:35


8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they've left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin's suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin's mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.


Kevin McAllister and his family are planning to go to Miami, Florida ring the holiday season this time around. At the airport, Kevin becomes seperated from his family and ends up on an airplane to New York City. Kevin manages to stop a taxi cab and has the driver take him to the Plaza Hotel, and using his father Peter's credit card, Kevin rents out a suite. While in New York, Kevin befriends E. F. Duncan, a friendly toy store owner, and Kevin also befriends a homeless Pigeon Woman then Kevin runs into his old enemies Harry and Marv, who have escaped from prison. When Kevin discovers that Harry and Marv plan to rob Mr. Duncan's toy store on Christmas Eve, Kevin makes plans to stop them. Kevin's mother Kate, upon realizing that she and the family have become seperated from Kevin, frantically tries to find Kevin.


Peter Beaupre, Alice Ribbons, Burton Jernigan, and Earl Unger, after stealing a top secret computer chip hide the chip in a remote control car. After going through security at San Francisco International Airport, they grab Mrs. Hess's bag off the X-ray belt while Mrs. Hess grabs the bag containing the toy car. They then see that a flight to Chicago is showing "now boarding" on the monitors showing all the flights, so they decide to board that flight. When in Chicago the crooks ask the cab driver who drove Mrs. Hess home where her house is, and for a description, and the cab driver says that her house is the only house whose driveway was not shoveled. At Mrs. Hess's house that night, Alex Pruitt shovels snow on Mrs. Hess's driveway, and he gets the toy car as a thank-you gift. The crooks get there to see that every driveway has been shoveled. The next day, Alex, who is home sick from school, spots the crooks in one of the neighbors' houses, so he calls the police to report the burglary. By the time the police get there, the crooks are gone, and no tracks that anyone broke into the house are left. Therefore, Alex is accused of turning in a false police report. The next day the crooks are spotted in Mrs. Hess's house, so Alex calls the police again. Once again, the police find no evidence that the house was broken into, so the chief comes to speak to Alex about how serious it is to call the police. The next day, the burglars are spotted again, but this time Alex decides to attach the camcorder to the top of the toy car, and attempt to get footage of the burglars in action. After a fight with the burglars to gain the toy car, Alex sees that they took the tape, and he finds the chip hidden inside the car. He then reports the chip to the local Air Force recruiting office, who informs the FBI. The burglars, figuring that Alex has the car, approach the Pruitts' house, only to find booby traps. In the end, an FBI agent comes to the house, and Alex hands the chip to the FBI agent, and the crooks are all caught.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 22:37


8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they've left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin's suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin's mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.


Kevin McAllister and his family are planning to go to Miami, Florida ring the holiday season this time around. At the airport, Kevin becomes seperated from his family and ends up on an airplane to New York City. Kevin manages to stop a taxi cab and has the driver take him to the Plaza Hotel, and using his father Peter's credit card, Kevin rents out a suite. While in New York, Kevin befriends E. F. Duncan, a friendly toy store owner, and Kevin also befriends a homeless Pigeon Woman then Kevin runs into his old enemies Harry and Marv, who have escaped from prison. When Kevin discovers that Harry and Marv plan to rob Mr. Duncan's toy store on Christmas Eve, Kevin makes plans to stop them. Kevin's mother Kate, upon realizing that she and the family have become seperated from Kevin, frantically tries to find Kevin.


Peter Beaupre, Alice Ribbons, Burton Jernigan, and Earl Unger, after stealing a top secret computer chip hide the chip in a remote control car. After going through security at San Francisco International Airport, they grab Mrs. Hess's bag off the X-ray belt while Mrs. Hess grabs the bag containing the toy car. They then see that a flight to Chicago is showing "now boarding" on the monitors showing all the flights, so they decide to board that flight. When in Chicago the crooks ask the cab driver who drove Mrs. Hess home where her house is, and for a description, and the cab driver says that her house is the only house whose driveway was not shoveled. At Mrs. Hess's house that night, Alex Pruitt shovels snow on Mrs. Hess's driveway, and he gets the toy car as a thank-you gift. The crooks get there to see that every driveway has been shoveled. The next day, Alex, who is home sick from school, spots the crooks in one of the neighbors' houses, so he calls the police to report the burglary. By the time the police get there, the crooks are gone, and no tracks that anyone broke into the house are left. Therefore, Alex is accused of turning in a false police report. The next day the crooks are spotted in Mrs. Hess's house, so Alex calls the police again. Once again, the police find no evidence that the house was broken into, so the chief comes to speak to Alex about how serious it is to call the police. The next day, the burglars are spotted again, but this time Alex decides to attach the camcorder to the top of the toy car, and attempt to get footage of the burglars in action. After a fight with the burglars to gain the toy car, Alex sees that they took the tape, and he finds the chip hidden inside the car. He then reports the chip to the local Air Force recruiting office, who informs the FBI. The burglars, figuring that Alex has the car, approach the Pruitts' house, only to find booby traps. In the end, an FBI agent comes to the house, and Alex hands the chip to the FBI agent, and the crooks are all caught.
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