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哪首歌第一句的歌词是come on come on im ready on,女生唱的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 08:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:50

有一首<as i moved on>和你说的有点像,看看是不是

come and dance, come
i was all alone, going for a ride
travelling solo, off my guard
i had to follow this calling from the wild
into the shadows
into the shadows of my heart
ieeded all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it, i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come
and as i moved on, thought i'd blow my mind
but as it turned out, i was wrong
i met my sorrow, saw her in the eyes
she tried my courage
she tried my courage, but left me stronger
i needed all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it,i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

你说的是不是 come on 温柔女生版 可以搜一下哦 节奏感很好

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

cheap thrills

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:50

有一首<as i moved on>和你说的有点像,看看是不是

come and dance, come
i was all alone, going for a ride
travelling solo, off my guard
i had to follow this calling from the wild
into the shadows
into the shadows of my heart
ieeded all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it, i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come
and as i moved on, thought i'd blow my mind
but as it turned out, i was wrong
i met my sorrow, saw her in the eyes
she tried my courage
she tried my courage, but left me stronger
i needed all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it,i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

你说的是不是 come on 温柔女生版 可以搜一下哦 节奏感很好

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

cheap thrills

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:50

有一首<as i moved on>和你说的有点像,看看是不是

come and dance, come
i was all alone, going for a ride
travelling solo, off my guard
i had to follow this calling from the wild
into the shadows
into the shadows of my heart
ieeded all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it, i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come
and as i moved on, thought i'd blow my mind
but as it turned out, i was wrong
i met my sorrow, saw her in the eyes
she tried my courage
she tried my courage, but left me stronger
i needed all my strength to
stand up to your agenda
i said it,i said it again
i never wanna become
stuck in your machine
i said it, i said it again
come and dance, come

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

你说的是不是 come on 温柔女生版 可以搜一下哦 节奏感很好

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 02:51

cheap thrills
有首英文歌里面 有啦啦啦 comeon comeon 女的唱的

布兰妮斯皮尔斯的&lt; S&amp;M>


S&amp;M Rihanna Na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on Na na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on, come on, come on Na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on Na na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on, come on, come on Na na na na Feels so good ...

comeonman是什么意思 comeonnow是什么意思 comeonbaby什么part comeon是什么 you comeon comeon有哪些意思 comeonin什么意思 comeon中文是什么意思 ohcomeon什么意思
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