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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 03:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 04:03

 What is you major and why do you choose it? What do you think is the most difficult in learning English? And how are you going to study it?

My major is English Literature, i chose it due to my great love for the language, as well as enabling me to learn about the writers craft and the art of it as i'm planning to become a writer too in the future. I believe the most difficult part in learning english is the oral part, since it is very hard to speak fluently, especially in china, when not many can speak fluent english. I study is by hiring a foreign native speaker, who trains my english regularly.

 Do you often exercise? Tell your partner about your favorite sport, your way to exercise, how do you like it and why? Tell your partner the knowledge of the sports mentioned, such as their rules, stars, histories, a memorable match, etc.

I always exercise. My favourite exercise is badminton, and I exercise everyday by running. I like it because it trains my fitness as well as my reaction time.

 Describe one of your best friends to your partner and explain why you choose him/her as your friend. What role friendship plays in your life? Tell your partner your understanding of the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” and Give examples.

My favorite friend is my partner. I chose her as my friend as she always supports me whenever i need help, and I've been her firend since childhood, so we're like sisters. I think friendship dominates my life. I'm a person who love socialising, and bringing people happiness is what i love to do.

 Ask your partner which season is his/her favorite and why he/she likes it. Ask your partner’s view on the relationship between the weather changes and human activities in today’s world and explain why.

My favourite season is the summer. This si because summer makes me feel vibrant, and it is just a season full of energy. I can swim and play beach volleyball. The relationship between the weather and human activities is freat nowadays, as particularly after pollution, the acid rain produced further impact our lives- soil erosion resulting flood as well as maintanace cost of buildings and bridges. also, you can't go out when there is a typhoon or storm right?

 Talk with your partner about your eating habits, whether they are healthful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other. Talk with your partner about different food cultures in the world. Which do you prefer: Chinese food or the Western food? Why?

I just loe eating healthy, that means less sugar, less salt and less oil. I love eating japanese food and french cuisine too;- i love all varity of food to be honest. I prefer chinese food because as i am chinese, it makes me feel the home feeling everytime i taste it, and it is the love i was brought up in from the day i was born.

6. On or off campus
 Do you like living in a dorm? How do you get along with your roommates? If you have problems in your dorm, how do you solve them? Do you think form life can benefit you or would you rather live off campus?

I love eating in the form and get along very well with my roommates, as they alwasy help me and i help them too. If i have problems, i'll firstly try to bring up any solutions to it by myself first, and then ask my firends if i can;t think of any. I think dorm life can benefit me as it encourages my social life, as well as ways to get along and work with people
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