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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-07 04:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 11:42

the mendacious finance information provided by public companies for profits fraud may cause incorrect decision-making due to use of such flattering financial data which also influence the healthy development of the national capital markets. to enhance management of enterprises' accounting information, the government released the new regulation of enterprise accounting dated Feb 15th, 2006, which has influenced the public companies' acts of profits fraud. this article traces from the typical acts of profits fraud used by public companies before the release of the new regulation till the new regulation's current influence to these acts, and also indicates a better effect against the profits fraud under the complex of well established regulation and morality..

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 11:39

Listed companies in the provision of false financial information, to manipulate the behavior of profits will result from the use of accounting information users by the cosmetic result of the accounting data in decision-making mistakes, but also affect the healthy development of capital markets. In order to enhance the quality of accounting information of enterprises, the state in February 15, 2006 issued a new Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, the new accounting standards for listed companies to manipulate profits have had a certain impact. In this paper, before the promulgation of new guidelines for the use of corporate profits often means starting with manipulation, analysis of new accounting standards for listed companies to manipulate the profit impact of space, and only when the moral construction and system construction, in order to better guard against manipulation of profits.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 11:45

the mendacious finance information provided by public companies for profits fraud may cause incorrect decision-making due to use of such flattering financial data which also influence the healthy development of the national capital markets. to enhance management of enterprises' accounting information, the government released the new regulation of enterprise accounting dated Feb 15th, 2006, which has influenced the public companies' acts of profits fraud. this article traces from the typical acts of profits fraud used by public companies before the release of the new regulation till the new regulation's current influence to these acts, and also indicates a better effect against the profits fraud under the complex of well established regulation and morality..

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 11:43

Listed companies in the provision of false financial information, to manipulate the behavior of profits will result from the use of accounting information users by the cosmetic result of the accounting data in decision-making mistakes, but also affect the healthy development of capital markets. In order to enhance the quality of accounting information of enterprises, the state in February 15, 2006 issued a new Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, the new accounting standards for listed companies to manipulate profits have had a certain impact. In this paper, before the promulgation of new guidelines for the use of corporate profits often means starting with manipulation, analysis of new accounting standards for listed companies to manipulate the profit impact of space, and only when the moral construction and system construction, in order to better guard against manipulation of profits.
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