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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 03:14




With the fact that the finance job gets open to the outside world all round , more and more broad derivation after our country adds WTO, the finance implement application accountant to our country has produced extremely large effect.The main body of a book right away derive from ...


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世上有一种最真挚,最感人,最美的感情,那就是亲情。世上有一种爱最伟大,最深沉,最无私,那就是母爱。In the world has one kind most sincere, is most touching, the most beautiful sentiment, that is dear ones. In the world has one kind of love to be greatest, is deepest, is m...


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Uncle and Aunt, hello! Grandma passed away peacefully at home on July 27, 2024, at 11 PM, at the age of 94. We have taken care of her affairs, and we hope she experiences no pain in heaven. The photo below was taken during her stay in the hospital. Thank you for your...


Wood can undertake substances cycling and energy converting in the growth process.生产加工过程中具有高性能、低能耗的特点;It carries with the characteristics of high performance and low energy waste.使用中可调节室内湿度、吸收噪音及射线;While using, it can adjust the indoor air moisture,...


The Olympic Games will come very soon.Then we maybe have a holiday.So we are very busy during the period.My cousin came back to China a few days ago.She said she had a month to have fun.Do you have time to visit China and see me along?haha!At the time she ...


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