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Hush (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 05:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 08:20

歌曲名:Hush (2002 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Joe South
专辑:Classic Masters

Jaheim - Hush
Eh yaaayeee
eh eh eh
Eh yaaayeee
eh eh eh
eh eh eh
I can not believe this
we just laid it down
what are you going to tell him
when he comes back in town
are you gonna let him know
that I'm giving you the business
I tried my best to let it go
but I could not resist it
it's to temptin, I'm slippin
touchin and feelin
me and him be kickin it, while all the while I've been hittin it
I know that girl its gone be hard for me to roll wit him
cuz we be hoopin in shit thats my dog my bestfriend
Said I would never let a chick come between me and my homie
had a lil too much to drink and tonight you put it on me
and I don't know if I regret that we be up in them hotel sweets
baby this is crazy ( baby)
Hush Hush
you dont tell no body
I won't tell no body
baby we can keep it on the
Hush hush
He is just to close to me
this not suppose to be
but I can't keep you away from me
Sometimes I feel guilty girl sometimes I dont
I try my best to say no but girl you turn me on
I be coming over to your home when I know that I'm not strong
blowin up your phone checkin to see if your home
it's to temptin, I'm slippin
touchin and feelin
me and him be kickin it, while all the while I've been hittin it
I know that girl its gone be hard for me to roll wit him
cuz we be hoopin in shit thats my dog my bestfriend
Said I would never let a chick come between me and my homie
got a lil too much to drink and tonight you put it on me
and I don't know if I regret that we be up in them hotel sweets
baby this is crazy
Hush Hush
you don't tell no body
I won't tell no body
baby we can keep it on the
Hush hush
He is just to close to me
this not suppose to be
but I can't keep you away from me
Sometimes I wish that this had never ever happen
but in reality I'm so glad that its happenin
I just don't know what to do girl I'm so caught up with you
should of never ever started gotta get up out yo closet baby
Hush Hush
you dont tell no body
I won't tell no body
baby we can keep it on the
Hush hush
He is just to close to me
this not suppose to be
but I can't keep you away from me
Eh eh eh
keep it on the hush
eh eh eh

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