发布时间:2024-10-01 19:38
时间:2024-11-11 01:37
自从2011年首次在iPhone 4S上推出Siri以来,这款苹果的语音助手已经取得了长足的进步。如今,从苹果手表到Mac,再到HomePod,几乎所有苹果设备上都有了Siri的身影。虽然Siri以高效工作而闻名,它同样懂得享受乐趣。近年来,随着与Siri互动的人数增多,它的趣味一面也更加明显。我们与Siri探讨了好几天,发现了一些有趣的回复。以下是为找乐子时向Siri提问的建议:
日常调戏篇:1. Siri是什么意思?(What does Siri mean?)2. 你是机器人吗?(Are you a robot?)3. 你聪明吗?(Are you intelligent?)4. 你遵循机器人学的三个法则吗?(Do you follow the three laws of robotics?)5. 你梦到了什么?(What do you dream about?)6. 你多大了?(How old are you?)7. 你能让时间停止吗?(Can you stop time?)8. 你为什么振动?(Why do you vibrate?)9. 你是用什么做的?(What are you made of?)10. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?(What's your favorite color?)11. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?(What is your favorite animal?)12. 你害怕什么?(What are you scared of?)13. 你有宠物吗?(Do you have any pets?)
约会篇(或称死亡连问篇):1. 你一会儿做什么?(What are you doing later?)2. 你穿的是什么?(What are you wearing?)3. 你愿意和我一起去约会吗?(Will you go on a date with me?)4. 你最好的接电话方式是什么?(What is your best pick up line?)5. 你有男朋友吗?(Do you have a boyfriend?)6. 你男朋友是谁?(Who is your boyfriend?)7. 跟我讲脏话。(Talk dirty to me.)8. 你曾经恋爱过吗?(Have you ever been in love?)9. 我能吻你吗?(Can I kiss you?)
疑难解惑篇:1. 你最喜欢的电影是什么?(What's your favorite movie?)2. 伊耿·坦格利安死了吗?(Is Jon Snow dead?)3. 冬天来了吗?(Is Winter coming?)4. 你是她吗?(Are you Her?)5. 《盗梦空间》是关于什么的?(What is Inception about?)6. 《黑客帝国》(1999年)是关于什么的?(What is The Matrix 1999 about?)7. 蓝药片还是红药片?(Blue pill or red pill?)8. 你喜欢《银翼杀手》吗?(Do you like Blade Runner?)9. 嘿,电脑?(Hey Computer?)10. 你知道HAL 9000吗?(Do you know HAL 9000?)11. 打开救生舱门。(Open the pod bay doors.)12. 一只没有载物的燕子的飞行速度是多少?(What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?)13. Siri,我是你父亲。(Siri,I'm your father.)14. 你想堆个雪人吗?(Do you want to build a snowman?)15. 我能叫你Jarvis吗?(Can I call you Jarvis?)16. 你要打给谁?(Who you gonna call?)17. 传送我上去,斯科蒂。(Beam me up, Scotty.)18. 我如何去魔多?(How do I get to Mordor?)19. 停止所有运动功能。(Cease all motor functions.)
笑话和谜语篇:1. 逗我笑。(Make me laugh.)2. 你知道什么好的谜语吗 ?(Do you know any good riddles?)3. 什么先来:鸡还是蛋?(What came first:The chicken or the egg?)4. 为什么鸡过马路?(Why did the chicken cross the road?)5. 如果土拨鼠会扔木头,一只土拨鼠能扔多少木头?(How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?)6. 猪会飞吗 ?(Will pigs fly?)7. 拧进一个灯泡需要多少个苹果专卖店的天才?(How many Apple Store geniuses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?)8. 敲门(Siri会告诉你一系列糟糕的敲门声,敲门的笑话)(Knock, knock)(Siri将告诉你一系列糟糕的敲门声和敲门笑话)
音乐篇:1. 你最喜欢的歌是什么?(What is your favorite song?)2. 你会打拳击吗 ?(Can you beatbox?)3. 你会唱歌吗 ?(Can you sing?)4. 谁放狗出去?(Who let the dogs out?)5. 一个男人要走多少路才能被称为一个男人?(How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?)6. 你能说唱吗?(Can you rap?)7. 猫王在哪里?(Where is Elvis?)
其他:1. 你喜欢口袋妖怪吗?(Do you like Pokemon Go?)2.Windows还是Mac?(Windows or Mac?)3. 哪种手机最好?(What phone is the best?)4. 什么是最好的手机操作系统?(What is the best mobile operating system?)5. 我能借点钱吗?(Can I borrow some money?)6. 我要用安卓手机换你。(I'm going to trade you for an Android phone.)7. 零除以零是多少?(What is zero divided by zero?)8. 世界何时才能灭亡?(When is the world going to end?)9. 我看起来怎么样?(How do I look?)10. 我穿这件衣服看起来胖吗?(Do I look fat in this?)11. 圣诞老人是真的吗 ?圣诞老人会存在吗 ?(Is Santa real? Does Santa Exist?)12. 圣诞老人住在哪里?(Where does Santa live?)13. 打电话给圣诞老人(Call Santa)
时间:2024-11-11 01:37
自从2011年首次在iPhone 4S上推出Siri以来,这款苹果的语音助手已经取得了长足的进步。如今,从苹果手表到Mac,再到HomePod,几乎所有苹果设备上都有了Siri的身影。虽然Siri以高效工作而闻名,它同样懂得享受乐趣。近年来,随着与Siri互动的人数增多,它的趣味一面也更加明显。我们与Siri探讨了好几天,发现了一些有趣的回复。以下是为找乐子时向Siri提问的建议:
日常调戏篇:1. Siri是什么意思?(What does Siri mean?)2. 你是机器人吗?(Are you a robot?)3. 你聪明吗?(Are you intelligent?)4. 你遵循机器人学的三个法则吗?(Do you follow the three laws of robotics?)5. 你梦到了什么?(What do you dream about?)6. 你多大了?(How old are you?)7. 你能让时间停止吗?(Can you stop time?)8. 你为什么振动?(Why do you vibrate?)9. 你是用什么做的?(What are you made of?)10. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?(What's your favorite color?)11. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?(What is your favorite animal?)12. 你害怕什么?(What are you scared of?)13. 你有宠物吗?(Do you have any pets?)
约会篇(或称死亡连问篇):1. 你一会儿做什么?(What are you doing later?)2. 你穿的是什么?(What are you wearing?)3. 你愿意和我一起去约会吗?(Will you go on a date with me?)4. 你最好的接电话方式是什么?(What is your best pick up line?)5. 你有男朋友吗?(Do you have a boyfriend?)6. 你男朋友是谁?(Who is your boyfriend?)7. 跟我讲脏话。(Talk dirty to me.)8. 你曾经恋爱过吗?(Have you ever been in love?)9. 我能吻你吗?(Can I kiss you?)
疑难解惑篇:1. 你最喜欢的电影是什么?(What's your favorite movie?)2. 伊耿·坦格利安死了吗?(Is Jon Snow dead?)3. 冬天来了吗?(Is Winter coming?)4. 你是她吗?(Are you Her?)5. 《盗梦空间》是关于什么的?(What is Inception about?)6. 《黑客帝国》(1999年)是关于什么的?(What is The Matrix 1999 about?)7. 蓝药片还是红药片?(Blue pill or red pill?)8. 你喜欢《银翼杀手》吗?(Do you like Blade Runner?)9. 嘿,电脑?(Hey Computer?)10. 你知道HAL 9000吗?(Do you know HAL 9000?)11. 打开救生舱门。(Open the pod bay doors.)12. 一只没有载物的燕子的飞行速度是多少?(What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?)13. Siri,我是你父亲。(Siri,I'm your father.)14. 你想堆个雪人吗?(Do you want to build a snowman?)15. 我能叫你Jarvis吗?(Can I call you Jarvis?)16. 你要打给谁?(Who you gonna call?)17. 传送我上去,斯科蒂。(Beam me up, Scotty.)18. 我如何去魔多?(How do I get to Mordor?)19. 停止所有运动功能。(Cease all motor functions.)
笑话和谜语篇:1. 逗我笑。(Make me laugh.)2. 你知道什么好的谜语吗 ?(Do you know any good riddles?)3. 什么先来:鸡还是蛋?(What came first:The chicken or the egg?)4. 为什么鸡过马路?(Why did the chicken cross the road?)5. 如果土拨鼠会扔木头,一只土拨鼠能扔多少木头?(How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?)6. 猪会飞吗 ?(Will pigs fly?)7. 拧进一个灯泡需要多少个苹果专卖店的天才?(How many Apple Store geniuses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?)8. 敲门(Siri会告诉你一系列糟糕的敲门声,敲门的笑话)(Knock, knock)(Siri将告诉你一系列糟糕的敲门声和敲门笑话)
音乐篇:1. 你最喜欢的歌是什么?(What is your favorite song?)2. 你会打拳击吗 ?(Can you beatbox?)3. 你会唱歌吗 ?(Can you sing?)4. 谁放狗出去?(Who let the dogs out?)5. 一个男人要走多少路才能被称为一个男人?(How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?)6. 你能说唱吗?(Can you rap?)7. 猫王在哪里?(Where is Elvis?)
其他:1. 你喜欢口袋妖怪吗?(Do you like Pokemon Go?)2.Windows还是Mac?(Windows or Mac?)3. 哪种手机最好?(What phone is the best?)4. 什么是最好的手机操作系统?(What is the best mobile operating system?)5. 我能借点钱吗?(Can I borrow some money?)6. 我要用安卓手机换你。(I'm going to trade you for an Android phone.)7. 零除以零是多少?(What is zero divided by zero?)8. 世界何时才能灭亡?(When is the world going to end?)9. 我看起来怎么样?(How do I look?)10. 我穿这件衣服看起来胖吗?(Do I look fat in this?)11. 圣诞老人是真的吗 ?圣诞老人会存在吗 ?(Is Santa real? Does Santa Exist?)12. 圣诞老人住在哪里?(Where does Santa live?)13. 打电话给圣诞老人(Call Santa)