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英语小作文 寒假计划 80词左右

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-02 09:36



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 01:45


My exciting plan for the coming winter break will be a trip to sichuan, to visit the world re-known tourist attraction, jiu sai gou.

As an artistic student with a burning passion for cultural and arts, i would like to capture the heavenly beauty of jiu sai gou with my brush and paint. it will be such a valuable, yet memorable chance for me to interpret and express the natural aesthetics of the scenery with my brush. It will not only improve my skill in artistic expressions, it also help to groom my character, and it is a very meaningful way to spent my holiday.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 01:45

Dear Mr, Long

i'm writing now to tell you about my winter holiday plan this year. How time flies. i hope you have a good holiday too.

firstly, i will study hard ring this holiday. I will finish my homework as well as do some previews of the subjects. Secondly, i will try to help my mother to do some housework, then i will do exercise with my father. Because exercising is very important and fun. Finally, i may go to the movie theatre with some of my friends. During the New Year i will visit my grandparents with my parents too.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 01:46

Today, we officially put a winter vacation. In such a long vacation, the students would like to do it? Some people will say: "I want to go out to play!" Some people would say: "I want to learn!" I have this winter to do things can be more. First of all, I am a third grade student, there are many aspects of lack of knowledge, so I have to this winter in order to study mainly to see their own learned what not, read access or training practicing "one-click" book on the language exercises and see normally very common idiom, and the fourth term. Has studied the language of ancient poetry books will be back to write, but to find a
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