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Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, rich in resources, with China's entry into WTO in 2001 and the "return to nature" trend, to provide a broad development prospects and good for Chinese medicine to the world. As the birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese ...


好的,你放心,我在大学学得就是英语专业 翻译如下:为了使一个遥远的对象(例如,一个山麓山)立体图像,可以单独由一个较大的距离,相机的位置(俗称“两眼”)比成人62 - 65mm的人规范这将有效地使所拍摄的图像,仿佛这是一个巨大的出现,从而将提高这些遥远天体的深度知觉,减少了现场apparent sca...

求英语翻译 不要百度、有道翻译, 真实的人工翻译 谢谢

New leaves, an ancient village a ship on the land of the forgotten anchor, has a long history of culture, ancient human landscape, beautiful countryside natural landscape, attracts the attention of countless people. But as the impact of the material civilization, the leaves grow in ...


Here, I want to thank the teacher in this a few weeks of hard teach, in and you spend days, I learned a lot, not only learning.接下来我就谈谈我个人的看法。Then I will talk about my personal opinion.首先,端正了自己的学习态度。First of all, correct their learning attitude....


Chinese medicine, has a long history and rich resources in our country, with China's accession to the WTO in 2001 and "return to nature" trend in the world and the rise of alternative medicine abroad, as the birthplace of Chinese medicine, China began to gradually into the ...

求一段英语口语翻译 不要有道谷歌翻译什么的 高手来 急!!!

请采纳,我自己翻译的。Today I want to talk about some travel abroad experience, it is the last summer vacation, I went to the most expensive city in Dubai, because my parents there to do some business, it is the first time I take a plane to go abroad, I heard a lot of...




Hello everyone, I'm happy to be here with you chat.I am a child from rural areas. To be less crowded than cities, rural areas that people deeply however rise. In the countryside, spend, water well, better. People living in the countryside is carefree, no city that big ...


I endorse the view in the material.I feel very sad about this situation.Our common life on earth, we are a family.We should help each other, a better life together.Should help them, this is we should do.We should do such a thing more....


love you! Please dont care about these.I know, I need to be hard-working, to return you. Because you, my parents, give me all the things, the whole world. I must thank all of you. I am so glad to be your son. Be joyful everyday my parents! Keep yourself healthy!

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