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发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2天前

My good friend

I have a good friend. Her name is Mary. She is a Chinese girl, and she is a student. Her favorite subject is English. But she doesn’t like math, because it’s so difficult. Her favorite Day is Friday, because she has two English classes on Friday. She likes green best, and she has a green bag and a green book case. She likes hamburgers, salad and ice cream. Her birthday is December 28th . She likes comedies and Beijing Opera .She often goes to movies with me on weekends.
This is my friend.

热心网友 时间:2天前

Because it’s so difficult
Her likes comedies 中把her改为she

If you are a junior middle school students then write pretty good,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

热心网友 时间:2天前

“it’s so difficult”前面加上Because she thinks .
“Her likes comedies and Beijing Oper”应该是She likes......
“This is my friend.”可以再丰富一下。
我刚刚写了篇英语作文,请各路高手帮我修改,指导我下,谢谢! 英语作文如下...

Secondly, when we stay at home ,we also should(是should also而不是also should) keep safe(keep safe应替换为keep safety in mind). If we are at home alone, we should not use fire(use fire的用法不正确,英文中的用法为make a fire). because we can be(can be 替换为will be...

我自己写的一篇四级英语作文,请高手帮忙在原文的基础上修改,纠正语法错 ...

All in all, there are many advantages to limiting the use of disposable plastic bags and we should stick to it.语法错误都帮你改了,词语也给你换了一些好一点的~我是美国学校的学生,你放心吧~


1.语法有一些错误。2.你没有注明多少字,所以我就按200字的标准了。以下括号是我修改的。Form the chart we can see the change of average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week. It was only 2 hours per week in 1990.Then in 1995, it twice. But it changed a...


For the past few years there have been more and more students ignored the study of Chinese.Now let us discuss why they became like this.First of all we can watch more and more English movies and listen to more and more English song(s) though Internet (which) make English bec...




bring sth to sb我觉得第一处用到bring的地方用to 比for好。 I am really nervous 才对。see a film 而不是watch 。until it is over 吧?relaxed而不是relaxing.应该是感到放松,而不是令人放松。Although it a little rank smell of blood缺谓语动词。Their lives greatly改成They live ...

英语作文 高手帮忙修改下

My favorite pet is the husky. Huskies are a kind of dog. They used to help people in the north pull their sleds. So they are very good at running. Most of their bodies is black except part of their faces which is white. I like their looks as well as the way they act...


service industry can pay more attention to the service.Thank you for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply.Your sincerely,LiMing 如果你想得到WORD文档的修改可以联系我,我可以发给你,里面那些修改过的字都是用蓝色的,希望可以帮到你,有什么疑问可以问我,很乐意为你解答。


She was good at English but poor in chenistry and I was just right contrary to her.We often helped with each other.she often had a interesting idea.she was simple and unaffected.I felt happy when I stayed by her side.We both liked cole flower very much,we agreed that we ...


more comfortable 3.would like to do所以应改为But I'd like to ride a bike.4.好像现在分词短语不能作句子(只有在生活英语或口语中才会用的)所以For example,riding a bike, driving a car,walking and so on.这个句子你可以改一下,加上谓语和(宾语)或者加上系表结构。希望你满意哦~...

修改文章 英语 修改文章英语怎么说 修改文章英文翻译 英语作文修改软件 修改论文英语怎么说 修改论文英文 修改英文单词 修改英文怎么写 修改信息英文
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