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牛津词典2023年度词汇Rizz 是什么意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 14:10



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 20:08

Oxford University Press has named "Rizz" as its 2023 Word of the Year, a slang term used by the younger generation, particularly Gen Z or possibly Gen Alpha. "Rizz" stands for style, charm, or attractiveness, or the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner. This term was inspired by internet and gaming culture and was popularized by * and Twitch streamer Kai Gennt, who shared Ritz tips videos online. After actor Tom Harland mentioned he has "limited Rizz" in an interview, it went viral, leading to a significant surge in usage over the previous year.

The president of Oxford Languages, Casper Crathwohl, explained that this choice reflects the exponential pace of language change e to social media. "Rizz" also emerged as a popular phrase in mainstream conversations, partly because it's fun to say. When it comes off the tongue, it brings a little bit of joy, according to Crathwohl. Oxford's selection is based on usage evidence from its updated corpus of more than 22 billion words gathered from news sources worldwide.

Crathwohl noted that "Rizz" is moving from a niche social media phrase to the mainstream. It is more unusual than typical shortened forms but not unheard of, like "flu" or "fridge." It's also interesting that "Rizz" gets used as a verb, such as "to Rizz it up" or "to charm someone." As a word expands from one part of speech to another, it might indicate potential for lasting cultural significance.

Crathwohl mentioned that the term "swift" was also notable for illustrating how fan-generated languages or analects can take hold and spread more easily now that there are many more ways to share content. However, he noted that "limited Ritz" is still "Rizz," suggesting that Tom Holland might not be being very precise in his language.

Although Taylor Swift and Tom Holland are not known to have officially dated, their names may be associated with the term "swift" in the context of the 2023 Word of the Year. The word "prompt" also saw a surge in usage, reflecting the mainstream adoption of specialist vocabulary, particularly in the context of generative AI following the release of chatGPT.

Crathwohl speculated that AI could potentially play a role in selecting the Word of the Year in the future. Large language models have the ability to process vast amounts of data more effectively than humans, making them a logical step if the goal is to validate models. The influence of AI and its applications could continue to shape language and cultural trends, making the choice of the Word of the Year an interesting reflection of these developments.
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