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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 07:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 01:45

1.Thanatos - If I Can't Be Yours


Now its time, I fear to tell
Ive been holding it back so long
But something strange deep
inside of me is happening
I feel unlike
Ive ever felt
And its makin me scared
That I may not be
what I ( think I am )

What of us, what do I say
Are we both from a different world
Cos every breath that I take,
I breathe it for you
I couldnt face my life without you
And Im so afraid.
Theres nothing to comfort us
What am I,
if I cant be yours

I dont sleep, dont feel a thing
And my senses have all but gone
Cant even cry from the pain,
cant shed a tear now
I realise
Were not the same
and its makin me sad
Cos we cant
fulfil our dream ( in this life )

So I must, let us break free
I can never be what you need
If there was a way, through the hurt
Then I would find it
Id take the blows.
Yes I would fight it
But this is the one.
Impossible dream to live
What am I, if I cant be yours.

2.Thanatos (instrument)


3.Komm, susser Tod



I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart
Feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
My world is ending
I wish that I could turn back time
Cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from the those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
In my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
that matters to me,
matters in this world
I wish that I could turn back time
Cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from the those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that its killing me inside
It all returns to nothing, it just keeps
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
It all returns to nothing, it just keeps
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
(tumbling down)
(letting me down)
(tumbling down)
(letting me down)

4.fly me to the moon


Fly me to the moon

Fly me to the moon

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what Spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand!
In other words, darling, kiss me!
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true!
In other words, I love you!

Fly me to the moon
Fly me to the moon

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what Spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand!
In other words, darling, kiss me!
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true!
In other words, I love you!

Fly me to the moon
Fly me to the moon
Fly me to the moon
Fly me to the moon
Fly me to the moon



残酷な天使のように (就像那残酷的天使一样)
少年よ 神话になれ (少年啊!变成神话吧)

苍い风がいま (在此刻、苍蓝的风)
胸のドアを叩いても (正轻轻叩醒我的心门)
私だけをただ见つめて (但你只仅仅凝视着我)
微笑んでるあなた ( 对我微笑着)
そっとふれるもの (手指轻轻触及的是)
もとめることに梦中で ( 我一直不断热衷地追寻着)
运命さえまだ知らない (你那连命运都还不知道)
いたいけな瞳 (令人怜爱的眼神)
だけどいつか气付くでしょう (但是总有一天会发觉到吧)
その背中には (就在你的背后)
遥か未来 めざすための (为了遥远的未来而萌发的)
羽根があること (羽翼存在着)
酷な天使のテ ゼ (残酷天使的命题)
窗边からやがて飞び立つ (你就将从窗边飞去)
ほとばしる热いパトスで ( 迸发出的炙热悲情)
思い出を里切るなら (如果背叛你的回忆!)
この宇宙を抱いて辉く (拥抱这宇宙闪耀着)
少年よ 神话になれ (少年啊!变成神话吧)
ずっと眠ってる (一直沈睡在)
私の爱の摇りかご (我的爱的摇篮里)
あなただけが 梦の使者に ( 只有你一人被梦之使者唤醒)
呼ばれる朝がくる (的早晨即将来临)
细い首筋を ( 在你纤细的颈子上)
月あがりが映してる (正映着高悬的月光)
世界中の时を止めて ( 而我却想停止全世界的时间)
闭じこめたいけど ( 把你封存在沉眠中)
もしもふたり逢えたことに (万一如果两人的遭逢)
意味があるなら (是有意义的话)
私はそう 自由を知る (我就是为了让你知晓自由)
ためのバイブル (的那本圣经)
残酷な天使のテ ゼ ( 残酷天使的命题)
悲しみがそしてはじまる (悲剧接着就要开始)
抱きしめた命のかたち (请你紧抱你生命的形体)
その梦に目觉めたとき (就在这梦境觉醒之时!)
谁よりも光を放つ (放散出无比耀眼的光芒)
少年よ 神话になれ (少年啊!变成神话吧)
人は爱をつむぎながら ( 人是一面纺着爱)
历史をつくる (一面织成历史的)
女神なんてなれないまま (依旧不能成为女神的我)
私は生きる (就这样苟活着)
残酷な天使のテ ゼ (残酷天使的命题)
窗边からやがて飞び立つ (你就将从窗边飞去)
ほとばしる热いパトスで ( 迸发出的炙热悲情)
思い出を里切るなら (如果背叛你的回忆!)
この宇宙を抱いて辉く ( 拥抱这宇宙闪耀着)
少年よ 神话になれ ( 少年啊!变成神话吧)

也不知道你想要的包不包括纯instrument version的那些bgm
14岁每天做多少蹲起和提踵不影响长高 每天晚上提踵来练弹跳会影响长高吗? 提踵和练肌肉会不会长不高? 提踵(抬脚跟)训练会影响长个吗 求高人指点 提踵 会不会影响身高的增长? 我现在15岁 提踵有利于长高吗 提踵影响长高吗 win10可不可以玩盗版的中2,帝战,拿战 沧州蓝海光伏设备有限公司怎么样? 为什麽女巫要骑扫帚不骑板凳。。。 ...of dogs,but now i am not afraid of them___(any more/at all... 万家乐热水器开大水熄火,有时开最大火最小水才37度,请高手指教,谢了... 尘埃2要怎么才能漂移过弯? 过弯时要松油门然后点刹么?望高手指点迷津... 尘埃2怎么漂移 尘埃2如何漂移? 9.1晚超女唐笑最后一次PK是唱的歌?有一句"芳草碧连天"(不是送别). 唐笑荣誉奖项 唐笑在十强晋级赛第二场中唱了哪两首歌 唐笑唱的歌 ...不舒服,听说吃叶黄素可以缓解眼疲劳,是真的吗?护眼吃什么最好... 雨花石是什么公司 侠盗猎车哪一部可以坐飞机? Psp游戏侠盗猎车手罪恶都市传奇有什么交通工具 侠盗猎车罪恶都市传奇哪有飞机啊?我想上第二城市! PSP侠盗猎车罪恶都市传奇飞机和船 未来十倍:有望成妖的5大氢能源潜力股,颇受市场关注!(名单) 魔兽世界停机俩大传闻 魔兽世界冒牌德鲁伊小说章节 问朋友要钱是见面要合适还是发生短信要合适 ...只能发到北京,想发回老家内蒙古临河该怎么发?物流?快递?EMS?中铁快 ... 马字旁一个并骈读音及解释 安吉尔净水器滤芯排列? 溜冰场要什么手续 开个溜冰场需要办理什么手续? 污水处理工艺去除率一览表 怎么样才能让自己坚强起来/ 主板映泰N68显卡七彩虹9500GTCPU速龙X2 250硬盘WD500G,光驱请问... E5400CPU 主板映泰G41内存2G硬盘WD500G显卡GT210TCLG显示器19LW机箱百盛... ...GT630 D3 2G 是不是不兼容?WD500G硬盘 威刚4G 内存,老是蓝屏死机... ...双核 硬盘 WD500G 内存金士顿4G 主板映泰G41电源顺达300W静音电源... ...蓝宝6570 1G D5 内存 金士顿4G 1333 硬盘WD500G ...适合、耐用的主板、内存(4G以上)、硬盘(500G)、电源和机箱_百度知 ... ...F1A57 显卡GT430 2G 内存金士顿4G 硬盘WD500G 显示器长城LED19寸... 婚前男方买的房子是否属于夫妻共同财产 英语中什么结构可以独立成句?The same in daily life. If you are lo... 河北胡杨进出口有限公司怎么样? TEAH是什么意思 济南喜居集团,骗钱没人管吗?连员工工资都欠很久不发了,大家别受骗 ...了好几年的人都高的工资,公司合伙人很有意见,不公平啊? 雨花石是真的石头吗