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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 11:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:43

Our factory has signed a contract with your company about equipment supply.Now the project has been completed,your company's new factory has been normal proction.The term in the contract is **.you had paid to us three times,the first time is**,the second time is**and the last time is**,Then pack for the yuan is**.The total amount is RMB**,and RMB**short.To facilitate the payment of your company,呵呵 就到这儿

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:43

Our factory has signed a contract with your company about equipment supply.Now the project has been completed,your company's new factory has been normal proction.The term in the contract is **.you had paid to us three times,the first time is**,the second time is**and the last time is**,Then pack for the yuan is**.The total amount is RMB**,and RMB**short.To facilitate the payment of your company,呵呵 就到这儿

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:43

Our factory has signed a contract with your company about equipment supply.Now the project has been completed,your company's new factory has been normal proction.The term in the contract is **.you had paid to us three times,the first time is**,the second time is**and the last time is**,Then pack for the yuan is**.The total amount is RMB**,and RMB**short.To facilitate the payment of your company,呵呵 就到这儿

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 01:43

Our factory has signed a contract with your company about equipment supply.Now the project has been completed,your company's new factory has been normal proction.The term in the contract is **.you had paid to us three times,the first time is**,the second time is**and the last time is**,Then pack for the yuan is**.The total amount is RMB**,and RMB**short.To facilitate the payment of your company,呵呵 就到这儿
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