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Isto Hiltunen的《Natalie》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 14:09



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 02:39

歌手:Isto Hiltunen

Going Crazy
Ever since the day you went away
and left me lonely and cold
my life just hasn't been the same
oh baby no
when i looked into your eyes
the moment that i let you go i just broke down
baby if i ever get the chance to be with you again
I would sacrafice
Cuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so right
its nice to smile when i get your phone call at night
But I rather have you here with me
right next to me
and I miss the way you hold me tight
I've got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that i could ever love a man so much
I've gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world for you
I'd do anything
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
break it down then I'll tell you what i feel
from the moment that i met you its been so damn real
my heart seems to skip another beat every time we speak
Can't belive I feel so weak
tell me that you really need me
and you want me
and you miss me
and you love me
I'm your lady
I'll be around waitin for you
put it down be the woman for you
im fallin so deep for you
crazy over you im calling
callin out to you
what am i gonna do?
its true no frontin
it's u ain't no other
I can no longer go on without you
I just break down (down)
I've got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that i could ever love a man so much
I've gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world for you
I'd do anything
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me, yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me, yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
ooo, crazy,(ooo),
lately (ooo),
lately (ooo)


热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 02:39

歌手:Isto Hiltunen

Going Crazy
Ever since the day you went away
and left me lonely and cold
my life just hasn't been the same
oh baby no
when i looked into your eyes
the moment that i let you go i just broke down
baby if i ever get the chance to be with you again
I would sacrafice
Cuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so right
its nice to smile when i get your phone call at night
But I rather have you here with me
right next to me
and I miss the way you hold me tight
I've got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that i could ever love a man so much
I've gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world for you
I'd do anything
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
break it down then I'll tell you what i feel
from the moment that i met you its been so damn real
my heart seems to skip another beat every time we speak
Can't belive I feel so weak
tell me that you really need me
and you want me
and you miss me
and you love me
I'm your lady
I'll be around waitin for you
put it down be the woman for you
im fallin so deep for you
crazy over you im calling
callin out to you
what am i gonna do?
its true no frontin
it's u ain't no other
I can no longer go on without you
I just break down (down)
I've got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that i could ever love a man so much
I've gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world for you
I'd do anything
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me, yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
That's right baby
I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I been thinking lately
that you and me, yes we can make it
just ride with me roll with me
Im in love with you (baby)
ooo, crazy,(ooo),
lately (ooo),
lately (ooo)

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