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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 09:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:26

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...   我把有的句子调了顺序哦,写作文要注意主动与被动,还有就是一个句子一个主谓宾,你的第一个句子society后要改成逗号喔
  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.
  health是名词“健康”,healthy是形容词“健康的”,注意了喔 increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:28

increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:26

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...   我把有的句子调了顺序哦,写作文要注意主动与被动,还有就是一个句子一个主谓宾,你的第一个句子society后要改成逗号喔
  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.
  health是名词“健康”,healthy是形容词“健康的”,注意了喔 increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:28

increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:26

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...   我把有的句子调了顺序哦,写作文要注意主动与被动,还有就是一个句子一个主谓宾,你的第一个句子society后要改成逗号喔
  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.
  health是名词“健康”,healthy是形容词“健康的”,注意了喔 increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

  Greener city,better life
  Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an increasinly popular phenomenon. It is reported in the official report that growing number of green land appears in a great number of cities.
  It is no exaggeration to say that the green land is a blessing.In the first place,the green land have a large number of green plant; while green plant can bring fresh air.In the second place,green land is good for our health.
  There is no doubt that the more green land our city have,the better environment will become.It is high time that we protect the green land in city.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:27

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development...

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 06:28

increasinly ----increasingly
a great number of cities
They have heardthe official report that a great number of city appear the growing number of green lands.
For one thing,the green land have a large number of green plants.And green plant can bring fresh air.for another thing ,green land is good for our health.
It is high time that we protected the green land in city.
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