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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 12:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 18:26

this time one day

in the evening

at the eve of Christmas

at twelve

at winter in 2006

many years past

in mention of

be fit for

agree with sb's plan

study in college

out of date=out of fashion

be good for

be good in ...

at work day

be ready for

at the end of

not ...until....

leave for some place

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 19:24

this time one day

in the evening

at the eve of Christmas

at twelve

at winter in 2006

many years past

in mention of

be fit for

agree with sb's plan

study in college

out of date=out of fashion

be good for

be good in ...

at work day

be ready for

at the end of

not ...until....

leave for some place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 18:27

1 In this time of the day
2 in the evening
3 in the Christmas Eve
4 at the age of 12
5 in the 2006 winter
6 In the next few years
7 mentioned that reminds people
8 suited to
9 agreed to a person's plan
10 in the University
11 is not fashionable
12 on good ......
13 on good aspects ......
14 days
15 to prepare for ......
At the end of 16 ......
17 to the end of ......
18 to leave ......

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 18:27

1.In this time of the day
2.In the evening,
3.In the Christmas Eve
4.When the 12-year-old
5.In the Winter 2006
6.After a few years
7.Mentioned, is reminiscent of
8.Suitable for
9.Agree with a person's plans
10.In college
11.Not trendy
12.On the good ......
13.On the good side ...
14.Working days
15.To prepare ......
16.At the end of the ......
17.To the end of ......
18.To leave ......

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 19:24

1 In this time of the day
2 in the evening
3 in the Christmas Eve
4 at the age of 12
5 in the 2006 winter
6 In the next few years
7 mentioned that reminds people
8 suited to
9 agreed to a person's plan
10 in the University
11 is not fashionable
12 on good ......
13 on good aspects ......
14 days
15 to prepare for ......
At the end of 16 ......
17 to the end of ......
18 to leave ......

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 19:25

1.In this time of the day
2.In the evening,
3.In the Christmas Eve
4.When the 12-year-old
5.In the Winter 2006
6.After a few years
7.Mentioned, is reminiscent of
8.Suitable for
9.Agree with a person's plans
10.In college
11.Not trendy
12.On the good ......
13.On the good side ...
14.Working days
15.To prepare ......
16.At the end of the ......
17.To the end of ......
18.To leave ......
家庭做面包的方法 家庭如何烤制面包 血糖11.9尿检葡萄糖4+酮体2+是糖尿病吗 尿测到葡萄糖4个加是否糖尿病? 尿检葡萄糖四个加是糖尿病吗 什么品牌的抗初老精华值得种草? 有哪些适合 25 岁左右的抗初老护肤品? - 知乎 有哪些适合女生抗初老的产品值得推荐? 丰收家商户电脑安装农村合作银行丰收宝怎么安装 ...后来又补办了一张,但是卡号和原来银保单上面的卡号不一样_百度知... 请高手帮我翻译英语 中间部分差不多这样 baby I know tomorrow for I leave it for good but I I I miss you all veally Good能翻译一下中文吗 abandon和leave的区别 分别怎么用 急!要中考拉,希望大家多帮忙~谢谢 英语的翻译(请不要那工具翻译的来应付我。好的高分) Leave for 是什么意思 leave for 是“离开去”的意思吗? 请教for good的用法 leave for good 是表示短期离开不知道什么时候回来的意思吗? 安卓虚拟定位那个软件好 虚拟定位哪个软件可以 从现在开始学法语(零基础)到四级需要几年呢?非专业四级法语可以在法国和法国人打交道吗? 古代信息传递的故事都有哪些,语文书上没有的 爱迪生制作灯泡的过程中遇到的困难 爱迪生是怎样做的(数学) 星座的详细介绍 晚上做梦梦见自己为民除害把坏人全部关在一个房里,自己能力不够需叫救兵,半路? 梦见帮忙打坏人,自己后来被坏人绑起来,醒了? 谁能介绍一下勇者斗恶龙7的剧情 勇者斗恶龙7怎么提高怪物之心掉落 英语大神求翻译 梦见跟邻居争土地盖房子是什么意思他家的地他盖房子了我家的地我也要盖房子是? 喜马拉雅儿童绘本怎么关闭 资产评估与房地产评估有什么不同 房地产评估和资产评估的差别 资产评估报告的种类 房地产估价师和注册资产评估师哪个好考 平湖耀江房地产开发有限公司整体资产评估项目资产评估报告书 资产评估课有关房地产资产评估报告的策划怎么写,尤其是具体内容一项? 梦见前邻居的老婆看见他喝酒老婆生气? 梦见老婆杀死邻居人 "原版周公解梦" "徐敏主编"梦见情人拉屎 梦见情人蹲着拉屎 梦见情人往我嘴里拉屎我就吃是什么意思 华为平板wgr-w09插卡后怎么用 剑与家园果盘手游折扣多少 wps的mathtype怎么用 用mathtype在wps中编辑的公式用word打不开 内心无法原谅霸道又自私的婆婆和老公(续) 老公老是喜欢管着我,他做好饭叫我吃,我不吃,他就发火,就骂