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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 02:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:08

As we all know, the adverse long-term eating habits is a causal factor in many diseases, good eating habits is important to improve the quality of life through, how science diet rich in material and cultural level of today's increasingly more and more attention and research everyone.
1. Carcinogenic substances:
1) tea scale. Scale tea contains cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic and other harmful metals and some carcinogens 2) perishable food.
3) The charred and barbecue food. Burning.
4) MSG. When it is heated to 120 ℃, it will become a carcinogen sodium pyroglutamate.
3. A lot of foods taste delicious at the same time we have a very good treatment effect.
1) Add tomato broccoli powerful anti-cancer.
2) Fresh seafood can be more anti-depression.

3) Anti-coffee常饮gallstones.

4. Good eating habits can prevent and delay the occurrence of Alzheimer's

1) to add folic acid and vitamin B12

2) soybean常食
Soy is rich in isoflavones, saponins, oligosaccharides and other active substances, soy isoflavones have a certain role in brain health,常食intake of soy foods can not only full of vegetable protein, to prevent abnormal blood lipid disorders, arteriosclerosis, as well as anti-cancer and prevention such as the effectiveness of Alzheimer's disease.
3) appropriate to add more fish or fish oil

4) increase the intake of lecithin
Soybean and its procts, fish brain, egg yolk, liver, sesame, yam, mushrooms, peanuts are rich in lecithin, such as natural food, intake of the human brain can be useful for nutrition, to improve intelligence, delayed mental recession.
5) increase in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin intake, rece salt intake

6) eat more rich in zinc, manganese, selenium, germanium type of food,
Such as seafood, shellfish, fish, dairy, beans, nuts, pupa, garlic, mushrooms.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 15:09

健康饮食:少吃盐,好处多   早在几十年前,卫生*就开始敦促美国人少吃点盐。
  It’s 2009 -- several decades after health officials began urging Americans to cut down on salt.
  你知道自己每天的食盐消耗量吗?   生活有热情
  Do you know how much you’re consuming?
  普通美国人每天的食盐消耗量约为3,400毫克,远远高于美国膳食指南(U.S. Dietary Guidelines)建议的2,300毫克,同时也是人体所需水平的15倍。
  If you’re a typical American, it’s about 3,400 milligrams of sodium per day. That’s well beyond the 2,300 mg recommended by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. And it’s 15 times as much as the human body requires.
  Average sodium intake has increased about 50% since the 1970s, largely because we’re eating more convenience foods. And as makers of processed food have cut down on fat and sugar, they’ve often added more salt.
  But all this sodium can be bad for your health.
  Excess salt has been linked to osteoporosis, kidney damage and stomach cancer. Worse, it raises blood pressure, a key factor in heart attacks and strokes, which kill about 850,000 Americans a year.
  纽约市卫生专员托马斯?弗里登(Thomas Frieden)表示,高血压是仅次于吸烟之后的可预防疾病和死亡的主要原因。弗里登敦促全美包装食品制造商和餐厅在未来10年内逐渐将食盐用量减少50%。美国疾病控制和预防中心(The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)估计,采取这项措施,不仅每年可以挽救15万人的生命,而且可以减少100亿美元的医疗支出。
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