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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 17:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 06:02

“The gold week” the extreme crowded phenomenon which creates in some places, brings feeling disappointed to the traveling and participates in the body and mind which the human brings being exhausted, all arrived made one have a lingering fear the situation.Some people even pledged that, again does not go out in “the gold week” joins in the fun.Wang Zeke said that, in accordance to the public holiday system vicissitude, the populace in by in the new system arrangement long vacation, only can take care of the household sleepily. If the populace also want to travel, but properly speaking, may hide the crowded week separate to arrange, but Wang Zeke said that, because of long vacation compulsory, their legal holiday had about ten days by rigid locking in the gold week, like this they want moreover to sufficiently collect the essential holiday journey, becomes quite difficult. In addition, for pieces together “the gold week”, often needs to arrange the staff in front of the vacation the continuous working seven, above eight days, the model like 2004 “51 has a vacation the means”, the staff must in 51 front ultra long time continuous working ten working days. Such system is simply the sincere corroded society efficiency.Enterprises and institutions's leaders and boss, all fully realized lets the staff ultra long time continuous working disease, what a pity they are unable to decide the leave of what a pity they are unable to decide the leave of absence means.He forecast that, within five years, “the gold week” very possibly on experiences personally it after the people painstakingly and the negative function full exposition died in bed of old age. In addition, the expert pointed out, in “gold week” period, except uppermost layer main center including national defense, diplomatic and outside lowest level diet shopping traveling, social operation basic stop.The expert believed that, “a 1,300,000,000 population great nation, may three times in entire week-long time, the stop daily society operation, really be inconceivable.” “The gold week” the advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, the overall appraisal advantage is bigger than the shortcoming by far, specially 51 is precisely the bloomy spring tourist season this gold week most should not cancel, like very wanted to have a vacation as for Pure Brightness fifth day of the fifth lunar month midautumn festival may borrow the weekend holiday to be good but actually,
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