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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 14:20



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 21:14

on is very serious. According to concerning data analysis, China's insurance structure similarity rate amounts to 90% above. Such a situation not only make the The insurance company marketing current situation 1, the present stage our country insurance enterprise mostly in a promotion or marketing change the marketing stage, marketing concept is still in its infancy, in which case study from insurance marketing and innovation should be the first to understand the marketing status of the insurance market. 2, in recent years, the development of new types of more, but still can not meet the insurance needs of the market. Competition in the business advantage, keep on developing new types of insurance, especially life insurance. But from the point of market demand, the insurance proct innovation train of thought is narrow, single form. For example, to offset inflation in the policy design, it is difficult to meet the insurance needs of the market. And insurance status of a single line, the insurance proct isomorphic phenomeninsurance companies in a low-level repeat construction, the inability to construct their own advantages, but also lead to excessive competition, resulting in social proctivity and waste of resources. In 3, the insurance marketing personnel overall quality is not high, serious distortion of the insurance marketing is more suitable for non price competition principle. Insurance practitioners generally low levels of partial, college ecation accounted for only 30% of the total number to 40%. Many companies recruit without any risk and insurance knowledge marketing personnel, after 2 weeks of training, i.e., selling insurance jobs. According to the survey, e to a number of marketing staff lack of occupation morals, or lack of insurance and related knowledge, resulting in selling insurance often misleading statement, the premium rebate, and other malicious recruiting violations, illegal phenomenon, which greatly damaged the reputation of the insurance instry. Insurance marketing is the human activity relating to insurance market, the present stage our country's insurance market is in the high monopoly position, new marketing concept is still in its infancy, the insurance marketing personnel overall quality is not high, extremely incommensurate insurance consumer market demand, we must seek for innovation. Important thought there are two ( 1): pay more attention to relationship marketing, customer retention; ( 2) outstanding marketing in the cultural content and quality, the establishment of corporate culture, plastic made beautiful corporate image in 2009 3 to April in Ji'nan ocean international freight forwarding company (the original Ji'nan three ) practice a month, master the import and export of goods required declaration and exemption process

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 21:15

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