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言不信者,行不果 ———墨子 民无信不立 ———孔子 没有诚实哪来尊严 ———西塞罗 真话说一半常是弥天大谎 ———富兰克林 诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也 ———孟子 失信就是失败 ———左拉 真诚是一种心灵的开放 ———拉罗什富科 欺人只能一时,而诚信才是长久之策 ———约翰...
...坚持)的英语谚语或成语,或者短笑话,有谁知道请写在下面告诉我一下...一个小男孩非常不喜欢狗狂叫的样子。 “没有关系,”一位先生说,“不用害怕,你知道这条谚语吗:‘吠狗不咬人。’” “啊,我是知道,可是狗也知道吗?” 一Can we have our teacher back? Once a superintendent of schools was visiting a three-room school. One room was very noisy, so the man grabbed...
英语谚语1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way. 2.千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step. 3.积少成多 Every little helps. 4.满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts, modesty benefits 5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.Nothing is ...
有关交友的英语谚语有哪些1、交友莫交财,交财两不来。never make friends, never make money.2、路遥知马力,日久见人心。lu yaoyao knows horsepower, and he sees people's hearts and minds for a long time.3、读书如交友,应求少而精。reading, like making friends, requires less and more refinement.4、失友快,...
英语作文常用谚语天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 19、It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 坐失良机,后悔已迟。 20、It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 英语作文中常用的谚语集锦 展开全部下面是经典英语谚语50句 1. Waste not,want not. 俭以防匮。 2. From saving es having. 富有...
有谁知道英语的谚语,越多越好,快点啊罗马并非一日可建成;坚持必成。 22.Success belongs to the persevering. 胜利属于坚忍不拔的人。 23.We must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success. 我们要多次重申:不屈不挠是取得胜利的唯一道 路。 24.Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the ...
英语谚语如果想做成点事,就得付出代价一干。 If the beard were all, the goat might preach. 如果有了�需就什么都行,那么山羊也可以说教了。 If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. 如果老狗叫,他是给忠告。 If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 丸药不苦不会加糖衣。If there be...
求英语谚语英语谚语500句:A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。 A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎...
关于谎言的英语名言31、有时候,谎言也很美丽,她的名字叫善意的谎言。米露西桑娜 32、生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。海涅 33、一个人宁可听一百句谎言,也不想听一句他不愿听到的真话。塞约翰逊 34、知识是产生对人类自由的热爱和原则的唯一源泉。韦伯斯特 35、人既尽其才,则百事俱举;百事举矣,则富强不足谋也。孙中山 36...
英语中关于童年的诗句谚语(关于童年的英语谚语)1.关于童年的英语谚语 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。知道后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 For all pain helps to make us rise, however much we may hate it at the time. ...