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求两篇英语作文 A. Honesty B. Advertisements. 大一水平,原创。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 13:37



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 09:51

It is undeniable that dishonesty in our society, which does us much harm in many respects, has aroused public concern nowadays. For example, many doctors sell unnecessary but expensive medicines to their patients in order to get more money, And a lot of people buy fake certificates so that they can get better jobs. Also, some students cheat on exams. Even such famous star as Ouyang San, once considered China’s movie king, cheated the government on income taxes
It is unequivocally well known that being honest is beneficial to the people involved. Meanwhile, a sense of honesty builds up in others’ hearts, which, in turn, will earn you true friendship. But it is probably less well known that being honest in equally beneficial to ourselves.
Despite the widespread practices of dishonesty, we should take firm steps to end this unhealthy trend, so as to make the world more beautiful.
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The Power of Advertisements
Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see?
Often procts show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver- rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different procts. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that proct or company.
Many people buy a proct because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a proct of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.
All advertisements are designed to make people buy a proct. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don't you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too."
You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular proct?




很多人买东西是因为它出自某一特定厂家。 事实上,有些人只买某个大牌厂家出品的东西,因为他们觉得这证明他们很时尚,有品位。

广告通常出现在电视或收音机里。大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆。例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做)。广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景。通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆。


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