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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 09:37



求翻译英语简历自我介绍 一小段 万分感谢 !!!哭泣感谢啊

Hello, everybody,大家好,I'm glad to meet all of you.很高兴与大家相会,Let me tell you a little bit about myself.请允许我介绍一下自己 ,Be patient with me, I'm a little bit nervous.我有点紧张, 希望大家多包涵。My name is Louis. I'm reaIly excited to have the chance...

写英文简历 高手帮忙翻译下 谢谢啊

1 I have many years of service. Industry sales experience, so the industry has accumulated a wealth of experience, familiar with the customer and communication skills, according to customer demand combined with the actual situation of the company to meet customer requirements and complete...


英语个人简历翻译一:Name:Gender: female Ethnic composition: the han nationality Political outlook: member Date of birth: October 1986 Marital status: married Education experience 2001-2004 xx city sixth middle school Work experience 2004-2005 in xx city xx self-help hot pot city as th...


个人简历Biographical note 姓 名:Full name: 性 别:Sex: 男 Male 民 族: 汉族 nation: The Han nationality 出生年月: Year and month of birth:联系电话:Phone number for contact:政治面貌: 团员Politics face: League member ,学 历: 中专 educational background: T...


Job description 1 workshop of safety and health of its employees safe hygiene inspections search 2.生产线巡查及其突发事件处理。2. Production line search and dealing with emergency.3.生产进程的编排及其监督执行,原物料请购和生产排班。3. Production process arrangement and supervise the ...


如下,供参考:1.医疗器械设备的检测、维护等与医疗器械质量安全相关工作。Engaged in quality and security inspection and maintainance of medical instruments;2.学习掌握……的工作原理及实际操作过程。Learning the working mechanism of ... and how to manipulate it;3.实地操作……等医疗仪器。Using...


希望这个翻译能帮到你。祝你顺利!如满意请采纳,谢谢。感觉好像是你面试的时候用。我给你写成面试时自我介绍的那种。上文可以在投简历时用。My name is Tom. I was born in June 22nd of 1992. My current address is 32 Section in Bao'an district, Shenzhen. I am looking a full time ...


XXX project development and the XXX project design and development.I accumulated some experience.Above.I had participated in the XXX project development and the XXX project design and development.all that total six or seven project development.以上纯手译,基本能符合你的要求,希望采纳。


Working Experience, 2009.1-2009.8 XX Company Sales Representative • I was promoted from sales assistant to sales representative within half year since I entered the company becaused of my hard working.• I was responsible for the sales of 13 cust...


英文简历范文带翻译(一) Personal information xuexila Don't sex: male Marital status: single nations: han Home record: Qingdao years of age: 26 Home now: xi 'an body high: 178 Contact phone number:E-mail:jianli.xuexila.com objective Hope post: new media operations specialist...

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