问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 10:55



热心网友 时间:2024-09-27 21:26

With the rapid development of information technology, a variety of sectors from the original work into a modern information-based office automation. Modern education, teachers or through the paper to check, test students, and university education is for self-study. Students some of the problems encountered can not be answered in time. At the same time also reduced the quality of teaching staff, an increase of the workload of teachers. Therefore, the teaching platform is developed to serve teachers and students, it is reasonable the use of information resources.
WEB-based network teaching platform is a Web-based Browser / Server mode and can run under the network environment Intranet applications. Hyperlinks through the powerful, network interaction, multi-media presentation of the advantages, the realization of the teachers and students to participate in interactive, a real "Learning Community." In this paper, the realization of the teacher-student exchange platform and information management module: teacher-student exchange platform for the main function module to create discussion topics, ask questions, the problem list; information management module main function is to add a notice, bulletin management, notice the type of management.
Key words: teaching resources management; Network Services; JAVA technology
With the rapid development of information technology, a variety of sectors from the original work into a modern information-based office automation.Modern education, teachers or through the paper to check, test students, and university education is for self-study. Students some of the problems encountered can not be answered in time. At the same time also reduced the quality of teaching staff, an increase of the workload of teachers. Therefore, the teaching platform is developed to serve teachers and students, it is reasonable the use of information resources.
WEB-based network teaching platform is a Web-based Browser / Server mode and can run under the network environment Intranet applications. Hyperlinks through the powerful, network interaction, multi-media presentation of the advantages, the realization of the teachers and students to participate in interactive, a real "Learning Community."In this paper, the realization of the teacher-student exchange platform and information management module: teacher-student exchange platform for the main function module to create discussion topics, ask questions, the problem list; information management module main function is to add a notice, bulletin management, notice the type of management. Key words: teaching resources management; Network Services; JAVA technology

热心网友 时间:2024-09-27 21:26

With the rapid development of information technology, a variety of sectors from the original work into a modern information-based office automation. Modern education, teachers or through the paper to check, test students, and university education is for self-study. Students some of the problems encountered can not be answered in time. At the same time also reduced the quality of teaching staff, an increase of the workload of teachers. Therefore, the teaching platform is developed to serve teachers and students, it is reasonable the use of information resources.
WEB-based network teaching platform is a Web-based Browser / Server mode and can run under the network environment Intranet applications. Hyperlinks through the powerful, network interaction, multi-media presentation of the advantages, the realization of the teachers and students to participate in interactive, a real "Learning Community." In this paper, the realization of the teacher-student exchange platform and information management module: teacher-student exchange platform for the main function module to create discussion topics, ask questions, the problem list; information management module main function is to add a notice, bulletin management, notice the type of management.
Key words: teaching resources management; Network Services; JAVA technology

热心网友 时间:2024-09-27 21:20


Along with the rapid development of information industry, all of the original work into modern informatization office automation. Modern education, teachers' teaching or through the paper to check, examines the university students, and now for self-study education. The students met some problem cannot be solved timely. Also reduced the teaching quality, increase the teachers. So, teaching platform for students, and develop service can reasonable use of information resources now.
The network teaching platform based on WEB is a kind of Browser/Server based on network model and can run in one under the network environment, the application software. Through the powerful hyperlinks, network interactive multimedia demo, the advantage and realize the lessons, and participation in a real "learning community". This paper realized the teacher-student communication platform and information management module: teacher-student communication platform, main function modules are creating workshops, questions, problems list, Information management module main function is to add announcement, announcement management, public announcement type management.

Keywords: teaching resource management;Network teaching;JAVA technologies

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