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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 11:02



热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 03:27

6.8.1 coating projects
1, the material requirements
Be bored with child and coating should have factory proof and environmental quality examination.
2, operation conditions
(1) the basic dry, moisture content is not more than 8%,
(2) door window glass installation ends, wet homework finished, pipeline construction of ground pressure finished,
(3) before construction well between example and checked eligibility,
(4) and door window frame, condole with the handover parts paste textured paper tape completes the finished product protection.
3, technological process
Basic level processing - embedded, batch putty - play in the first time sand paper - scraping the 2nd times be bored with child - playing the second time sand paper - the first time paint brush furnace-rough play sand paper - brush the 2nd times paint - play sand paper - brush paint a third time
4, key points of construction
(1) the basic processing
Will grassroots dust and ash, smeary clean. With white cement (or big white powder), talcum powder with 108 plastic adjustable putty, fill the uneven surface flat grassroots Pang, dry after appearing sanded grinding smooth, then full blow be bored with child, after being dry with a 1) sandpaper level off, and remove float ash.
(2) besmear brushs the first time coatings
First the ceiling carefully cleaned, cloth will dust rub-up. Besmear brushs order from left to right. By using the new PaiBi besmear brush, PaiBi, pay attention to the activities of the pen MaoLi off. Coating should mix before use, according to the grassroots and environmental temperature condition, can add 10% water dilute, in case the head again coating shi besmear not open. Dry after filling putty, stay after filling putty dry after appearing, with 1 sand paper burnish, and sweep clean.
(3) besmear brushs the 2nd times coatings
Operation requirements with the first go paint, coating before fully mixing, such as not very thick, unfavorable water or water less as far as possible, in case the show. Film after drying, with fine sand the surface little a knot in one's heart and PaiBi MAO burnish drops, after polishing cloth clean.
(4) besmear brushs a third time coatings
Operation requirements with the 2nd times coatings. Due to quick drying, continuous film should be quick operation, besmear brushs from left side when beginning, gradually to the other side, besmear after a row must pay attention immediately before a PaiBi, avoid joint obvious but again separately processing.
5, quality standards
(1) used coating varieties, model and performance should comply with the design requirements. Inspection method: check product certificate, performance test report and approach acceptance record.
(2) finishing engineering of color, design should comply with the design requirements. Inspection method: observation.
(3) finishing works should be finishing evenly, bond and firm, not leak painting, through at the end, peeling and off powder. Observations; inspection method: Hand touch inspection.
(4) finishing engineering of basic level processing should meet the following requirements. Observations; inspection method: Hand touch check; Check construction records.
1) concrete or plasterer layer grassroots in finishing before coating should besmear brushs alkali closed primer.
2) concrete or solvent-based coating plastering grassroots besmear, moisture content must not be more than 8%, Besmear brushs emulsion coatings, moisture content must not be more than 10%. The moisture content of timber grassroots must not be more than 12 per cent.
3) the basic putty should level off, solid, durable, no pulverization, peeling and crack, Interior wall be bored with child, the bond strength shall conform to the relevant provisions.
6, product protection
(1) before construction shall not cover the doors and Windows and metope shade; protect
(2) be bored with child and coatings when construction, construction site with ground requirements changes timely striped cloth or laying plastic, prevent pollution ground;
(3) after completion timely with board will protect mouth, horn, prevent collisions damage;
(4) tear open shelves when presenting touch loss metope coatings;
(5) painter construction are prohibited during the stamped on the construction site, and already finished prevent tank knocked off, coating pollution metope.
The ninth festival scaffold project
6.9.1 scaffold selection
According to this project, the structure and features, decorate metope of using four walk type the hydraulic lift platform joint working to complete &interior wall painting and glass curtain wall installation work. Wall lining and paint the work using tools type scaffold completed.
Chapter 7 engineering key part construction plan and the measures
Section 1 of tower foundation construction
The main tower choose arm length 50 meters TC5013B flat arm tower crane as vertical transport hoisting equipment.
Crane foundation foundation slab, crane is located feet column (or embed standard festival) pouring in foundation slab of one-time consumption, in order to ensure the structure was not affected crane dismantled will only basic upper embedded column footing (or standard festival) removal.
Crane beam slab based elevation, thickness, concrete strength grade anti-permeability level with the proposed construction project foundation slab concrete. Crane beam slab foundation construction, so as to first crane installation and use, simultaneously must make base of rebar connection, concrete juncture measures.
The second quarter special overhung structure construction
This project layer 3 a partial overhung structure, the conventional mode branch shall not apply to the project.
1 a: local and scheme of the span.a height reach 8 meters bowl buckle tubular steel scaffolding as templates support. This support four steps frame, each step is about 2 meters, support scaffolds must with each layer of solid structure connections, prevent inclination deformation.
Problems added:
Partly shown below:
2, the scheme ii: on the second floor structure on the span.a slanting brace, supported by dense steel composition, steel pipe in central and fixed channels connected, bottom fixed in a floor space of reinforced ring buckle embed in connection with the bowl of upper level, pipe to buckle form stable formwork supporting system

This project layer 3 a partial overhung structure, the conventional mode branch shall not apply to the project.1 a: local and scheme of the span.a height reach 8 meters bowl buckle tubular steel scaffolding as templates support. This support four steps frame, each step is about ...






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