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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 05:34




She is so white. She has two big eyes and she is my favorite pet~~~

谁能帮我用英语翻译下面这小段话: 不要对我许下承诺或誓言,因为“承诺...

Please don't give me any promise or words, cause the "o"s in "promise" and "words" are too oral to be true. I only wish u to be my side, never giving up.两个词都有o,oral代表你说的有口无心吧 望采纳,谢谢

谁能帮我把这些句子翻译成英语,小弟分不高,希望有人能帮我一下下,谢 ...

What's your friend's name? Jim Green.What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.What's his first/family name? Miller.What's her last name? It's Jina.That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).What's her ...


1. Whers is David's basket ball? His basket ball is on the table.2. Where is his dictionaries? They are on the table.3. Please bring your books here tomorrow.4. Is your key on the table? No, it's in the drawer.5. Look at the photo, it's a Tom's family photo...

麻烦你帮我翻下面的句子;你能把你的笔记本带给我吗?翻译成英语 ,谢谢...

Can you bring your diary to me?望采纳!


It is so difficult for me to forget the times we were together, cycling to school, singing the songs we love, everything is so beautiful. Although we are separated, but our hearts are linked to one another. Come on ! You will surely be happy!


Hello, everyone. I am Bengbu high education group in third experimental primary school the fifth grade six class of students. As an excellent student in the class, I can be a teacher recommendation to participate in the 2012 annual CCTV Anhui" star of the hope" English talent ...

谁能帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语,最好专业一点的,不要机器翻译的- -

物品发出后我将及时通知你 I will notify you as soon as item(s) is(are) shipped.今天没有库存,我将在明天邮寄给你 This has run out of stock. I will ship it tomorrow.抱歉,现在我没有你需要的物品,你可以选择其它的款式或者我把钱退还给你 I'm sorry to tell you that the item(...

英语大神们帮我把下面的中文翻译为英文吧!急急急!谢谢! 大家好!我叫...

My name is li hua, I am a high school student from China, I can communicate with foreign friends is very convenient, I saw you on the Internet of international organization will be held in Singapore summer camp for middle school students, is the purpose of the summer camp with...


我英语学得尚浅,不过让我试一试 Dear Huang:I have a friend whose name is ChengMing.He has just left AA Company,and I 'd like to recommand you to your company.I have worked with him for a long time and find that his capacity is far better than what I expected.He is ...

假如我能做一回小学生 如果我能再做一回小学生点评 如果我能再做一回小学生结尾 假如我能做一回小学生600字 小学生到底能不能用手机 小学生作业帮下载 最强的大脑帮小学生 如果能在当一次小学生 小学生能自己做什么事
张凤山的策划导演 石家庄商汇民生怎么样啊?和民生人寿是一个系统吗? 法院判决协助执行过户该怎么执行 矛之酒馆0.17高速下载 八字极弱的命格很惨吗,八字极弱的人运势如何 苹果手机怎么下载农鲜达 如何在Excel表格中选择值excel学习网百度知道 支付宝古代学校在夏季放假主要是为了-蚂蚁庄园2023年7月8日今日... 支付宝蚂蚁庄园7月8日答案是什么介绍_支付宝蚂蚁庄园7月8日答案是什么... 广东最好海鲜排名 Microsoft office 2008版本 1—701=z(z就是2),移动一根火柴使算式成立! 12月3号凌晨12点是几号 我为世博喝彩300字 索尼tablet z2 三星tabs 10.5 影驰a1 华硕tf701t 四选一 !!!_百度知... 梦见坐三轮车,梦见是什么意思 敢做不敢当的经典句子精选61句 用创意连接人心——招商银行南京分行20周年:点点用心 廿念不忘 数控编程要学多久啊? 中国农业银行放贷需要多久 “中国农行贷款审批时间” 农行放款需要多久 农行贷款审批需要多长时间 在汉水之战中,为何徐晃和张郃见到赵云不敢交战? psv连接电脑发出的wifi无线网络 sansungSCX-4650怎么把复印固定保存为100% GJPCGJPC服务介绍 三星scx4650打印机驱动V10官方版三星scx4650打印机驱动V10官方版功能... 家长如何写对孩子的评语? 中国人寿95519周末上班吗 请写家长评语100字左右有文采书信比赛,求看看,然后家长需要写评语,怎 ... 小弟想自己组装一部电脑.请各位高手评价.如有不对请提出建议. 那位能用英文帮我翻译下面的句子吗?谢谢!:我们多年的努力将在这战场上... 讲一讲你认为最快从一段感情中解脱出来的方法有哪些? 怎样才能从失意的感情中更快的解脱出来? 主机被盗,预算3000,买笔记本好,还是台式机好? 在天猫商城拍错手机颜色怎么办??? iPad在天猫上怎么在选定商品中选颜色 我在天猫买了1个平板电脑但是颜色发错了因为我换货的话也要产生邮费所以... hivi h4音响摆放在客厅的问题 我在天猫买了一双靴子颜色错了他说让我留着穿给我赔5块钱?!怎么办 未毕业,大学生l可以在石家庄买房吗? 想在石家庄买房 石家庄孩子上学按户口还是房产证 jimmy smith在对中国的印象用英语怎么说 我依然难以想像的歌词 你对我有印象吗? 用英语怎么说 1999年2月4日9点32分属什么,怎样取名 收到美国留学学费怎么处理 矮脚狗品种大全 0.128t等于多少千克 描写植物的作文500字左右六年级