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英语作文---the friendship between the boy and girl

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 11:42



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:36


Looked has occurred between the periphery friend's story boy and the girl together works together as colleagues graally proces love some boys girl from the very beginning mutually to play tricks on beats and scolds hits is kisses scolds is likes long then each other liking getting up such phenomenon side us to be too numerous to mention, when will admire or the appreciation opposite sex stood when oneself each person to be able cannot help but to be excited this is the human who our physiology decided is eventually the animal (the most high-quality animal) is only person's binding force and the self-control suppresses oneself innermost feelings inflation to cause the sentiment that quickly not to be in flood <dnt> </dnt> <dnt> </dnt> In our side also had a very universal phenomenon that is two any blood relationship boy girl hides their innermost feelings by the brother and sister either the elder sister younger brother symmetric this kind of ambiguous relations behind to move the background which restless desire this kind of abnormal relations proced to have two kind of situation one kind of situation has not been generally dry a side or both sides to opposite party had the idea favorable impression (mostly is boy wants to pursue girl) by such name to try to be friendly with subsequently slowly to rip open that paper another kind is the first compromise result pursues does not succeed in obtaining loves inadequately, therefore we on were the brother and sister (actual are the delaying tactics innermost feelings desire andThe extinguishment only has not been is waiting for a better opportunity)
<dnt> </dnt> <dnt> </dnt> Everything does not have between the absolute boy and the girl has the pure friendship just is truly actually occurs in these not yet between the mature boy girls
<dnt> </dnt>
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