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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 11:30



谁来帮我英文翻译一下紧急啊 在线等

if i break you peaceful life , i'm sorry . the letter is short .假如我打破了你的平静生活,我深感遗憾。此信言语简短。i konw,many times ago , i have hurt you .很多次之前,我已经知道,我伤害了你。i'm sorry , but please forget it , or perhaps you have forget it now ...

中文翻译成英文 急!!在线等

At this moment, I can't expect anything more.我们也别无选择。We got no other choice, either.半梦半醒之间,我迷茫...Being the borderland between sleeping and waking,I am puzzled,心很痛,乱 乱 乱。My heart is painful, tangled and confused 只剩下最后一点期待`The last expectation...


百度英文在线翻译是百度公司推出的一款便捷的在线翻译工具。它能够快速地将英文翻译成中文,或者其他语言,帮助用户克服语言障碍,方便沟通交流。工具特点:1. 实时翻译:用户只需在百度翻译中输入需要翻译的内容,系统便会立即进行翻译,反馈速度快。2. 多语言支持:除了常见的中英文互译,百度翻译还支持多种...


I will come back to my motherland if i can finish my study smoothly.Being a gardener and making contribution to the gardening career for our country.Expect to finish my study under your guide,i will be much honourable!


hi there. glad to receive your mail. if it is hong kong post you are talking about, the price is OK with me. I have already changed it to 12 items per bag and now I am waiting for your order. You can pay it after i change the price and if there is any questions ...


1 He had adopt to the cold climate of London .2 The good dinner habit is beneficial for the health.3 It is a cruel thing to make fun of the disables.4 It annoys us that he always interrupt us.5 All in all ,his healthy condition has made a big chance.好了 就是这样...


please pay attention to you behavior.You,a sop who doesn't dare to discover his face, how can you critisize me? Have a look at yourself,you can not compare with me except your terrible weight. Please,critisize others after your study pass,Ok?


XX next station, alighting passengers please be prepared.列车启动,请扶好站稳,下一站XX站,列车开启前进方向左/右侧车门,请下车的乘客做好准备。the train started, please help a good stand, next XX station, the train left open the way forward / right side of the door, please be ...

帮忙翻译成英文!在线等 20分!!!

stop being like this 我不希望看到你这样 this is not what i hoped to see 不要总是那么消极的过下去了 stopping being negative about life 既然现在我们选择了 since we've made our choices 就要付出艰苦的努力和一定的时间 we will have to put in effort and time to achieve it 你一定要...


Dinner customs are different around the world.全世界各地的晚餐风俗都不尽相同 If you are a dinner guest in Ghana, this information may help you a lot.如果你在加纳被邀请晚餐,下面这些小知识可能对你有用 In Ghana dinner is usually held from four in the afternoon to six in the ...

紧急英文翻译 紧急情况翻译英文 在紧急情况下英语翻译 紧急的的英文单词 紧急的英文 不紧急的英文 很紧急的英文 紧急英文名词 据说英文翻译
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