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...that I'm happy 这是一首歌开头的歌词 我不知道叫什么名字 求大家帮 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 18:44



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 17:11

RADWIMPS - バイ·マイ·サイ


Now, just now I know that I'm happy
because you're here with me
You, just you is what I really need
and all the other thought means nothing to me

'Love'is the word I really need
because all the other word means nothing to me
'Love'is the word I really need because
all the other words just make me tell lies

By my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side, by my side
Stay by my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side by my side

Now, just now I know that I'm lonely
because you're away from me
You, about you, about me is about you
and I'll repeat the same verses over
and over and over again until you're back to me

'Love'is the word I really need
so all of these affections need a place where to go
'Love'is the word I really need
so please will you come back and kiss on my cheek

By my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side, by my side
Stay by my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side by my side

流るる意志を似て 动かぬ意味を越え

By my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side, by my side

By my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side, by my side
Stay by my side, by my side, by my side,
stay by my side by my side

You told me that you're mine
and you always kissed me instead of 'Hi'
But this doesn't mean that
I'm head over toes in with you whatever
You used to beg me hug
and you used to play me tricks and
all those hugs and tricks we shared
is now what we call a broken dreams
I hate myself when my brain
tells me that I'm lying
everything we went through
was just a waste of a time
so I'm writing this for you
and I'm writing this for me
within full of thanks and tears,
and a pair of ring full of 'I love you'

this song will almost end
but that doesn't mean us too
well, just in case someday you come to me
and says 'Hi '

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