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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 06:17



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:51


热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:53


During the December vacation, Lim, Ali and I decided to go fishing at the lake near my house. We brought along our fishing rods, baits, and cold drinks. Soon, we found a shady spot, fixed the bait, threw our lines into the water and waited. Half an hour later, there was still no sign of any fish.
Suddenly, Lim shouted excitedly that he felt a strong tug at his line. We became excited too, and helped him to pull the fish out as it was heavy. Lim was overjoyed at the sight of the huge fish. We tried our luck again and waited patiently. Soon I felt a strong tug but it turned out to be on old rusty tin can. We had a good laugh and threw the can away. I was quite disappointed.
We then drank some cold orange juice and chatted for a while. The next time we threw in our lines, we were lucky. All of us pulled out more fish. They were smaller but good for frying. We were now quite satisfied with our catch.
As it threatened to rain, we picked up our fishing rods and our basket of fish and returned home happily. My mother was glad to see us home safely, and promised to fry the fish for us. It was a good attempt at fishing and we hope to get a better catch next time.

bait a small amount of food on a hook or in a special device used to attract and catch a fish or animal

tug to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force

attempt to try to do something, especially something difficult

热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:56


热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 17:56


During the December vacation, Lim, Ali and I decided to go fishing at the lake near my house. We brought along our fishing rods, baits, and cold drinks. Soon, we found a shady spot, fixed the bait, threw our lines into the water and waited. Half an hour later, there was still no sign of any fish.
Suddenly, Lim shouted excitedly that he felt a strong tug at his line. We became excited too, and helped him to pull the fish out as it was heavy. Lim was overjoyed at the sight of the huge fish. We tried our luck again and waited patiently. Soon I felt a strong tug but it turned out to be on old rusty tin can. We had a good laugh and threw the can away. I was quite disappointed.
We then drank some cold orange juice and chatted for a while. The next time we threw in our lines, we were lucky. All of us pulled out more fish. They were smaller but good for frying. We were now quite satisfied with our catch.
As it threatened to rain, we picked up our fishing rods and our basket of fish and returned home happily. My mother was glad to see us home safely, and promised to fry the fish for us. It was a good attempt at fishing and we hope to get a better catch next time.

bait a small amount of food on a hook or in a special device used to attract and catch a fish or animal

tug to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force

attempt to try to do something, especially something difficult
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